A1: Backsquat @ 2020; 10 reps x 4; Bodyweight on bar; 1 min rest
A2: Bench Press @ 2020; 10 reps x 4; .75x Bodyweight on bar; 1 min rest
B1: Air Squat @ 1010; 50 reps x 2; 1 min rest
B2: Pushup @ 1010; 25 reps x 2; 1 min rest
C1: Supine Ring Rows @ 10X1; AMRAP (-2) x 4; 1 min rest
C2: Hip Extension @ 10x1; 20 reps x 4; 1 min rest

A1 and A2 are done in a circuit, alternating. Same with B1 & B2. And C1 & C2.

The number following the exercise is the tempo.
2020 = 2 second descent, 0 second hold in bottom, 2 second ascent, 0 hold in bottom. First number ALWAYS represents the descending portion. So if I had pullups @ 1020, it would be a 1 second descent, 2 second ascent. Get it?
If you see an X in the tempo it means explode out from the bottom. Supine ring rows, for example, would be a 1 second descent, 0 second hold in the bottom, explode up, 1 second hold at top.

Any minus symbols after an AMRAP is the number of reps before failure. (-2) is two reps before muscular failure.


Paul Gregrow said...

what should your scoring look like for this?

Nathan H. said...


For A and B: completed/not completed. Note if you had to break or rest more etc.

C1: reps on rows
C2: completed/not + notes.