Won't be posting for awhile. I recommend following www.optimumperformancetraining.blogspot.com

I'll leave this site up as a resource for the time being.


Find 1 RM Backsquat
rest 5 minutes
60 second row test (all out) for average watts - divide avg watts by bodyweight in #
rest as needed
10 min row test for average watts - divide avg watts by bodyweight in #

for example: 530 watts/190lbs = 3.3

If you do today, post your results.


100 turkish getups (pick the weight, lighter than heavier)
do NOT time, focus on good movement


60 min row @ 70% max heart rate

if you do not know your max heart rate, this pace is very easy...


For time:
10 Front Squats @ 1.1x bodyweight
10 Strict HSPU
10 Pullups @ .3x bodyweight
9 FS
9 Strict HSPU
9 Pullups
Down to 1


1 min hard
2 min easy


A1: High Bar Back Squat: 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1; 2 minutes
A2: Supinated Grip Weighted Pullup: 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1; 2 minutes
B: One armed Plank: 40 seconds each side x 4; 30 second rest between sides
C: Doubleunders: 50 unbroken x 5; 60 sec rest
(Compare to 12/8)


6 rounds of:
20 front squats (95, 65)
15 ring pushups


part 1 (courtesy of OPT):
"Unbroken 2.0"
7 rounds for time:
5 squat clean - 135/105#
6 CTB chin ups
7 KBS - 2/1.5 pd

each exercise CANNOT be broken or fractioned
for HSPU - once you kick up, you must stay up, you may pause at top or bottom
for squat clean - they MUST be touch and go reps; you cannot rest bar on ground or on lap, only on shoulders if break is needed
for chin ups, chest to bar, not shirt to bar; you cannot touch down, you may rest by full hanging
for KBS - you cannot double pump, once you start swings, you must finish all reps straight
if reps are broken in any exercise, you start again with that exercise at rep 1 for that same round
(i.e. if you are in round 2 and you do 4 HSPU, then rest on ground on 3rd squat clean, you start over at rep 1 for squat clean on that 2nd round)

rest 4+ hours

Part 2:
1 mile run time trial


mon double
tue double
wed single


10 min easy
5 min hard but consistent
5 min recovery
5 min hard hard but consistent
5 min recovery
5 min hard but consistent
5 min recovery
10 min easy


A1: Deadlift: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; 2 min
A2: 7 Muscleups x 5; 2 min
B: Row 1000m x 3; 3 min rest
During 3 min rest accumulate as much time in a free standing handstand as possible.
C: 20 GHD situps x 5; 30 sec rest


A1: Low Bar Backsquat: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 2 minutes
A2: Weighed Pullup: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 2 minutes


4 rounds for time of:
40 air squats
20 pullups


C: 5 sets of 10 (total) windshield wipers; 60 sec rest
D: 5 sets of 20 hip extensions, 60 sec rest
E: Wrestlers bridge work - make it taxing, but not too bad



Build to Max Powerclean
Test 500m Row

30 minute fartlek run.


Build to heavy snatch but not max

3 sets of 10 @ 135/95 of:

A: Overhead Squat
B: Push Press
C: Power Clean
D: Front Squat
Rest 1 minute between all sets.

E: 3 sets of 10 windshield wipers with 1 min b/t sets
F: For time:
200m walk with 95# barbell in one hand
200m walk with it in the other hand.


A: Hang Power Snatch: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 3 min
B1: Power Clean: 10, 10, 10, 10; 1 min rest
B2: Ring Pushups AMRAP (-1); 1 min
B3: 50 doubleunders x 4; 1 min
C: 15 unbroken toes to bar x 5; 1 min

12/23, 12/24, 12/25 are all rest days. Relax, enjoy the break.


A: Backsquat: 20, 20, 20; 5 min rest
Last set should be very tough.

5 rounds for time:
8 Pistols
10 Strict HSPU
12 Strict Pullups


Deadlift to heavy single in 10 minutes.

Rowing "Helen"
3 rounds of:
500m Row
21 KB swings (53, 35)
12 Pullups

Rest as needed (not more than 20 minutes)

Deadlift to heavy single in 10 minutes


A: Backsquat up to a heavy single.
B: 400m Run x 6; 2 min rest
C1: 10 reps @ 50% of heavy single x 8 sets; 45sec b/t sets
C2: 10 Strict Pullup x 8 sets; 45 sec b/t sets


A1: Sumo Deadlift: 12, 12, 12; 20 sec rest
A2: Ring Pushup AMRAP x 3; 3 min rest

3 rounds of:
250m Row
25 pushups

70 GHDs for time


Snatch 1 rep on the minute for 10 minutes


A1: Weighted Pullup: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 2 minutes
A2: Press: 8, 8, 8, 8, 8; 2 min
B1: 20 unbroken pullups x 5; 1 min
B2: 10 backsquats x 5; 1 min (weight is up to you)


Note each run time:
800m run hard
400m jog easy
800m run hard
400m jog easy
800m run hard

rest 10 minutes

3 rounds:
10 full snatches 135/95
10 clean and jerks 135/95
rest 2 minutes


3 rounds for time:
10 pistols (5 each side)
10 strict HSPU


Warmup as ncessary
A1: Powerclean 1, 1, 1; 20 seconds
A2: 150m Row sprint x 3; 2 minutes

For time:

40 GHD situps
400m backwards run
100 burpee broad jumps
100 steps handstand walk
200 lunges (every 20 steps do 20 doubleunders)
400m backwards run
40 GHD situps


Snatch and HSPU Warmup

10 minutes:
1 Snatch on the 30 second mark
HSPU on 30 second mark (rep is dependent on strength - b/t 1 and 4 reps)

A1: High Bar Back Squat: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; 2 min
A2: Bench Press: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; 2 min
B1: 25 unbroken Heavy KB swings (russian) x 4; 1 min
B2: 12 deadhang pullups x 4; 1 min (weight if necessary)


For time:
Row 500m
Run 400m
100 doubleunders


1 full clean on the minute for 10 minutes building weight each minute, start moderately heavy.


5 rounds:
5 muscleups
10 deadlifts @ 315
15m handstand walk
rest 4 minutes


400m Run x 5; 2 min rest b/t sets


A1: HSPU AMRAP (-1) x 5; 90 seconds
A2: Strict Pullups (-1) x 5; 90 seconds
B: Back Squat @ BW; 5 sets of 10; 60 seconds b/t sets
C: Accumulate 90 seconds of L-sit on paralletes.


A1: Sumo Deadlift: 12, 12, 12; 20 sec rest
A2: Ring Pushup AMRAP x 3; 3 min rest

3 rounds of:
30 unbroken wallballs
350m Row

50 GHDs for time

120410 - 121010

For those of you who competed, rest at least 5 days. I know you might not feel taxed physically, but there is a mental and hormonal stress that has to be accounted for. Rest the 5 days, come back hard.

For those of you who didn't compete I'll start a general program. It's going to be geared toward advanced athletes so scale as necessary.


Eat up to 1 hour prior.

A1: High Bar Back Squat: 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1; 2 minutes
A2: Supinated Grip Weighted Pullup: 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1; 2 minutes
B: One armed Plank: 30 seconds each side x 4; 30 second rest between sides
C: Doubleunders: 40 unbroken x 5; 60 sec rest

Eat immediately after. A low glycemic meal with high protein and moderate fat.
Something like: Lots of cruciferous vegetables, 50g protein from lean organic meat, and 1 avocado or a big handful of nuts

Rest 5 hours

No food for 3 hours prior.

4 rounds for time of:
15 thrusters @ 95/65
15 burpees
400m Run

Eat immediately after. High glycemic carbs and protein. If you are lean (less than 8% for males, less than 12% for females) eat up to 100g of carbs for males, up to 50g for females. Above 10%M/16%F: 40g for males/20g for females: 20 to 40g protein for all.

Post how you feel pre and post workout. I won't do this everyday, I'll do it occasionally to see how it works for you guys.


Last Day

A. Hang Squat Snatch - 95#/65# x 5-10 @ high speed; rest 1 min x 3
B. Power Clean - 3 sets of a tough single; fast and explosive; rest 1 min
C. Chin Ups - 10 unbroken - focus on breathing and speed; 3 sets; rest 1 min
D. Run 10 min; 1st minute and last minute @ threshold pace, middle 8 slow and easy

This was OPTs last sharpening day leading up to his last competition. Seems fitting.


3 x 100m accelerating sprints; walk back as rest


2 rounds of:
3 touch and go full snatches @ 135/85
6 lateral burpee + 180 over barbell
60m shuttle sprint
3 min rest b/t sets


2 rounds of:
5 deadlifts @ 185/135
10 pullups
20 box jumps @ 20/16
3 min rest b/t sets


2 rounds of:
3 touch and go powerclean and jerk @ 155/105
25 doubleunders
3 min rest b/t sets



Paul is a leader in his field and his info is good. Although from my understanding limiting fat post workout after a heavily glycogen dependent workout is a smart way to go. Experiment.

You can figure out what approximate type you are here: http://nutritionaltyping.mercola.com/

It's free, you just need to sign up for his newletter which usually contains good info anyway. Be warned though, he likes to try to sell stuff.


Run 15 minutes:
first 5 minutes @ 75%
second 5 minutes @ 85%
third 5 minutes @ 95%

rest 5 minutes

10 sets of 20 doubleunders; rest 1 min b/t sets


15 minutes mobility (SMR) work