Last day of Phase 3.

Test day; take 2 max lifts and a benchmark wod.

After this, follow someone else's programming (ie OPT, mainsite, or your own - if you know what your doing) for a month. The objectivity I try to strive for in my programming may not hit all the heads of fitness; I am only one mind. To mitigate this I recommend following a different path for awhile. Learn, apply, experiment, and stay aware.


Alternate practicing between these:
Overhead Squat (build as heavy as you want)
For 20 minutes.

followed by:

4 rounds of:
Row 750
75 doubleunders
rest 3 minutes


5 rounds for time:
12 Barbell Backsquats (bodyweight)
16 Ring Dips
12 Pullups

break up sets as necessary. Try not to fail on any reps.