Won't be posting for awhile. I recommend following www.optimumperformancetraining.blogspot.com

I'll leave this site up as a resource for the time being.


Find 1 RM Backsquat
rest 5 minutes
60 second row test (all out) for average watts - divide avg watts by bodyweight in #
rest as needed
10 min row test for average watts - divide avg watts by bodyweight in #

for example: 530 watts/190lbs = 3.3

If you do today, post your results.


100 turkish getups (pick the weight, lighter than heavier)
do NOT time, focus on good movement


60 min row @ 70% max heart rate

if you do not know your max heart rate, this pace is very easy...


For time:
10 Front Squats @ 1.1x bodyweight
10 Strict HSPU
10 Pullups @ .3x bodyweight
9 FS
9 Strict HSPU
9 Pullups
Down to 1


1 min hard
2 min easy


A1: High Bar Back Squat: 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1; 2 minutes
A2: Supinated Grip Weighted Pullup: 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1; 2 minutes
B: One armed Plank: 40 seconds each side x 4; 30 second rest between sides
C: Doubleunders: 50 unbroken x 5; 60 sec rest
(Compare to 12/8)


6 rounds of:
20 front squats (95, 65)
15 ring pushups


part 1 (courtesy of OPT):
"Unbroken 2.0"
7 rounds for time:
5 squat clean - 135/105#
6 CTB chin ups
7 KBS - 2/1.5 pd

each exercise CANNOT be broken or fractioned
for HSPU - once you kick up, you must stay up, you may pause at top or bottom
for squat clean - they MUST be touch and go reps; you cannot rest bar on ground or on lap, only on shoulders if break is needed
for chin ups, chest to bar, not shirt to bar; you cannot touch down, you may rest by full hanging
for KBS - you cannot double pump, once you start swings, you must finish all reps straight
if reps are broken in any exercise, you start again with that exercise at rep 1 for that same round
(i.e. if you are in round 2 and you do 4 HSPU, then rest on ground on 3rd squat clean, you start over at rep 1 for squat clean on that 2nd round)

rest 4+ hours

Part 2:
1 mile run time trial


mon double
tue double
wed single