10 min easy
5 min hard but consistent
5 min recovery
5 min hard hard but consistent
5 min recovery
5 min hard but consistent
5 min recovery
10 min easy


A1: Deadlift: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; 2 min
A2: 7 Muscleups x 5; 2 min
B: Row 1000m x 3; 3 min rest
During 3 min rest accumulate as much time in a free standing handstand as possible.
C: 20 GHD situps x 5; 30 sec rest


A1: Low Bar Backsquat: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 2 minutes
A2: Weighed Pullup: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 2 minutes


4 rounds for time of:
40 air squats
20 pullups


C: 5 sets of 10 (total) windshield wipers; 60 sec rest
D: 5 sets of 20 hip extensions, 60 sec rest
E: Wrestlers bridge work - make it taxing, but not too bad



Build to Max Powerclean
Test 500m Row

30 minute fartlek run.


Build to heavy snatch but not max

3 sets of 10 @ 135/95 of:

A: Overhead Squat
B: Push Press
C: Power Clean
D: Front Squat
Rest 1 minute between all sets.

E: 3 sets of 10 windshield wipers with 1 min b/t sets
F: For time:
200m walk with 95# barbell in one hand
200m walk with it in the other hand.


A: Hang Power Snatch: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 3 min
B1: Power Clean: 10, 10, 10, 10; 1 min rest
B2: Ring Pushups AMRAP (-1); 1 min
B3: 50 doubleunders x 4; 1 min
C: 15 unbroken toes to bar x 5; 1 min

12/23, 12/24, 12/25 are all rest days. Relax, enjoy the break.


A: Backsquat: 20, 20, 20; 5 min rest
Last set should be very tough.

5 rounds for time:
8 Pistols
10 Strict HSPU
12 Strict Pullups


Deadlift to heavy single in 10 minutes.

Rowing "Helen"
3 rounds of:
500m Row
21 KB swings (53, 35)
12 Pullups

Rest as needed (not more than 20 minutes)

Deadlift to heavy single in 10 minutes


A: Backsquat up to a heavy single.
B: 400m Run x 6; 2 min rest
C1: 10 reps @ 50% of heavy single x 8 sets; 45sec b/t sets
C2: 10 Strict Pullup x 8 sets; 45 sec b/t sets


A1: Sumo Deadlift: 12, 12, 12; 20 sec rest
A2: Ring Pushup AMRAP x 3; 3 min rest

3 rounds of:
250m Row
25 pushups

70 GHDs for time


Snatch 1 rep on the minute for 10 minutes


A1: Weighted Pullup: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 2 minutes
A2: Press: 8, 8, 8, 8, 8; 2 min
B1: 20 unbroken pullups x 5; 1 min
B2: 10 backsquats x 5; 1 min (weight is up to you)


Note each run time:
800m run hard
400m jog easy
800m run hard
400m jog easy
800m run hard

rest 10 minutes

3 rounds:
10 full snatches 135/95
10 clean and jerks 135/95
rest 2 minutes


3 rounds for time:
10 pistols (5 each side)
10 strict HSPU


Warmup as ncessary
A1: Powerclean 1, 1, 1; 20 seconds
A2: 150m Row sprint x 3; 2 minutes

For time:

40 GHD situps
400m backwards run
100 burpee broad jumps
100 steps handstand walk
200 lunges (every 20 steps do 20 doubleunders)
400m backwards run
40 GHD situps


Snatch and HSPU Warmup

10 minutes:
1 Snatch on the 30 second mark
HSPU on 30 second mark (rep is dependent on strength - b/t 1 and 4 reps)

A1: High Bar Back Squat: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; 2 min
A2: Bench Press: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; 2 min
B1: 25 unbroken Heavy KB swings (russian) x 4; 1 min
B2: 12 deadhang pullups x 4; 1 min (weight if necessary)


For time:
Row 500m
Run 400m
100 doubleunders


1 full clean on the minute for 10 minutes building weight each minute, start moderately heavy.


5 rounds:
5 muscleups
10 deadlifts @ 315
15m handstand walk
rest 4 minutes


400m Run x 5; 2 min rest b/t sets


A1: HSPU AMRAP (-1) x 5; 90 seconds
A2: Strict Pullups (-1) x 5; 90 seconds
B: Back Squat @ BW; 5 sets of 10; 60 seconds b/t sets
C: Accumulate 90 seconds of L-sit on paralletes.


A1: Sumo Deadlift: 12, 12, 12; 20 sec rest
A2: Ring Pushup AMRAP x 3; 3 min rest

3 rounds of:
30 unbroken wallballs
350m Row

50 GHDs for time

120410 - 121010

For those of you who competed, rest at least 5 days. I know you might not feel taxed physically, but there is a mental and hormonal stress that has to be accounted for. Rest the 5 days, come back hard.

For those of you who didn't compete I'll start a general program. It's going to be geared toward advanced athletes so scale as necessary.


Eat up to 1 hour prior.

A1: High Bar Back Squat: 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1; 2 minutes
A2: Supinated Grip Weighted Pullup: 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1; 2 minutes
B: One armed Plank: 30 seconds each side x 4; 30 second rest between sides
C: Doubleunders: 40 unbroken x 5; 60 sec rest

Eat immediately after. A low glycemic meal with high protein and moderate fat.
Something like: Lots of cruciferous vegetables, 50g protein from lean organic meat, and 1 avocado or a big handful of nuts

Rest 5 hours

No food for 3 hours prior.

4 rounds for time of:
15 thrusters @ 95/65
15 burpees
400m Run

Eat immediately after. High glycemic carbs and protein. If you are lean (less than 8% for males, less than 12% for females) eat up to 100g of carbs for males, up to 50g for females. Above 10%M/16%F: 40g for males/20g for females: 20 to 40g protein for all.

Post how you feel pre and post workout. I won't do this everyday, I'll do it occasionally to see how it works for you guys.


Last Day

A. Hang Squat Snatch - 95#/65# x 5-10 @ high speed; rest 1 min x 3
B. Power Clean - 3 sets of a tough single; fast and explosive; rest 1 min
C. Chin Ups - 10 unbroken - focus on breathing and speed; 3 sets; rest 1 min
D. Run 10 min; 1st minute and last minute @ threshold pace, middle 8 slow and easy

This was OPTs last sharpening day leading up to his last competition. Seems fitting.


3 x 100m accelerating sprints; walk back as rest


2 rounds of:
3 touch and go full snatches @ 135/85
6 lateral burpee + 180 over barbell
60m shuttle sprint
3 min rest b/t sets


2 rounds of:
5 deadlifts @ 185/135
10 pullups
20 box jumps @ 20/16
3 min rest b/t sets


2 rounds of:
3 touch and go powerclean and jerk @ 155/105
25 doubleunders
3 min rest b/t sets



Paul is a leader in his field and his info is good. Although from my understanding limiting fat post workout after a heavily glycogen dependent workout is a smart way to go. Experiment.

You can figure out what approximate type you are here: http://nutritionaltyping.mercola.com/

It's free, you just need to sign up for his newletter which usually contains good info anyway. Be warned though, he likes to try to sell stuff.


Run 15 minutes:
first 5 minutes @ 75%
second 5 minutes @ 85%
third 5 minutes @ 95%

rest 5 minutes

10 sets of 20 doubleunders; rest 1 min b/t sets


15 minutes mobility (SMR) work


1 Snatch @ 80% on the minute for 10 minutes
rest 2 minutes
5 HKTE + 5 fast burpees x 8; 45 sec rest
rest 2 minutes
Depth Jumps: 20 singles, rest as needed (not fast! go for quality)
rest 2 minutes
Row: 100m Sprint, 300m Recovery x 7



Happy Thanksgiving! Eat!


Warmup with doubleunders, sets of 10 for speed.

A: Deadlift: 50% for 8 sets of 3; 1 min rest b/t sets
B: 100m Accelerating sprints x 6; walk back as rest
C: 10 pullups x 5; 1 min rest (work on rhythm and minimizing extra movement - efficiency)
D: 10 ghd situps x 5; 1 min rest



Sharpening starts tomorrow.

Just a note if you aren't going to follow this programming 100% and you're doing the NLI... make sure you're getting good sleep and not over exerting yourself over the next 10 days. Keep things short fast and intense, without extending and with plenty of rest. We'll be resting every other day to really recharge your batteries and sharpen your output.



Build to heavy Powerclean
Take 55% of weight achieved and do:

3 rounds:
10 CJ
15 CTB pullups
20 box jumps (30")
4 minute rest

Snatch work, easy. Build to no more than 70% of current PR.

A1: 250m Row x 6; 1 min rest
A2: 30 seconds AMRAP ring pushups x 6; 1:30 min rest


A: 30m 1-leg hops each side x 2
B1: 30m accelerating sprints x 4, walk back
B2: 30m backwards sprints x 4, walk back
C: 5 medball toss + explosive pushup to partner x 3

A1: Deadlift: 2, 2, 2, 1, 1; 10 seconds
A2: 15 Burpees, lateral + 180 for speed x 5; 4 min
B: Ski Erg or Row: 4 min @ NLI pace x 3; 2 min rest
C: 15 unbroken HKTE x 5; 45 second rest (work on kips)


A1: Powerclean: 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1; 10 seconds
A2: 14 Burpees x 6; 3 min rest
B: 60m Shuttle Sprint x 10; 90 second rest b/t sets

1000m Row for time
rest exactly 10 minutes
200 doubleunders for time


A: Power Snatch: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; 2 min rest
B1: Overhead Squat: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 10 seconds
B2: 15 CTB Pullups x 5; 3 minutes

rest 10 minutes

4 rounds of:
400m Run
2 min rest

Note splits



Build to heavy triple deadlift

Set up rower for 3k countdown
10 sets of:
100m sprint row
200m easy row

Focus on sprinting HARD, then rowing very easy... don't think about total time... think about output and quality per interval.



4 rounds of:
20 unbroken wallballs
20 unbroken pullups
50 unbroken doubleunders

If you break, restart the exercise at 0.


Schedule until NLI:

Wed, Nov 17: double
Thur 18: single
Fri 19: double
Sat 20: rest
Sun 21: single
Mon 22: double
Tue 23: single

Sharpening/Peaking starts:

Wed, Nov 24: rest
Thur 25: single
Fri 26: single
Sat 27: rest
Sun 28: single
Mon 29: rest
Tue 30: single
Wed, Dec 1: rest
Thur 2: single
Fri 3: rest
Sat 4: NLI


A1: Bulgarian split squat jump; 3 each side for dumbell (kb) load held in hands x 8; 10 second rest
A2: 13 unbroken pullups x 8; 2 min

rest exactly 10 minutes

3 rounds of:
4 powercleans @ 195/125
500m Row or Ski Erg
60 doubleunders

rest exactly 10 minutes

B1: 25 hip extensions x 5; 30 second rest
B2: 20 GHD Situps x 5; 30 second rest


Warmup well, then:

5 minutes to build to heavy double in snatch (20 second time limit)
rest 2 minutes
Vertical Jump x 5; 20 second rests between attempts (if you don't have a vertical jump tester, just chalk your hand up and jumpt to point on wall)
rest 2 minutes
60m shuttle sprint x 4; 2 min rest
rest 2 minutes
AMRAP (-4) pullups x 2; 3 min rest (don't hit failure '-4' means 4 reps before failure.

Rest 20 minutes

Build to heavy deadlift single (NOT MAX) in 5 minutes

2 rounds of:

3 CJ @ 185/125
6 Broad Jumps (7ft/5ft)

rest 1 minute

for time:
50 lateral burpees + 180
1200m Row
200 doubleunders


A1: Snatch Grip Deadlift: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; 10 seconds
A2: 16 Burpees for speed x 5; 3 min
B: Ski Erg or Row: 3 min @ 85% x 3; 2 min rest (focus on pacing)
C1: 14 unbroken HKTE x 5; 30 second rest (work on kips)
C2: 10 Overhead Squat x 5; 30 second rest



Snatch build to heavy single then 80% of that number x 2 for 4 sets
1 Vertical Leap x 10; 30 sec rest

A1: 5 Clean and Jerk touch and go @ 145 x 5; immediate transition
A2: 12 Box Jumps (20") x 5; 90 second rest


200m Sprint x 4; 3 min rest


Warmup well.

Then in 5 minutes quickly build to a tough single but not 1RM Deadlift.
rest 1 minute
Take 60% of above weight and do 8 sets of 3 reps with 1 minute rests; focus is explosiveness

rest as needed

5 rounds of:

20 lateral jump + 180 burpees
1 min rest
50 doubleunders
1 min rest
100m sprint + 12 HKTE
1 min rest


A1: Deadlift: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; 10 seconds
A2: 14 Burpees for speed x 5; 3 min
B: Ski Erg or Row: 2 min @ 85% x 4; 2 min rest
C: 12 unbroken HKTE x 5; 45 second rest (work on kips)



A1: 25 unbroken pullups x 4; 30 seconds
A2: 50 unbroken doubleunders x 4; 2 min rest

if you break on any set, take the rest from that point.


5 rounds of:
3 Powerclean @ 185
3 Front Squats @ 185
3 Jerks @ 185
15 Box Jumps (30")
15 CTB Pullups
4 min rest

Rest 10 min

Row 2k (pace: 2:00, 2:15)



A: Full Snatch: 2, 2, 2; 3 min
B: Snatch Balance: 1, 1, 1, 1; 3 min
C: Power Snatch + OHS: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; 3 min
D: 100m Sprint @ 90% x 5; 2 min rest


3 rounds of:
2 min Burpee for reps (lateral + 180 turn)
1 min rest
2 min Doubleunders for reps
1 min rest


4 rounds of:
6 broad jumps (7ft, 5ft)
12 Burpees (lateral + 180 degree turn)
30 unbroken doubleunders
Rest 1 min

Rest 5 minutes

3 rounds of:
12 unbroken HKTE
200m sprint
2 min rest

Rest 5 minutes

Build to heavy single in deadlift

3k Ski Erg

if you don't have a ski erg

Set up 2 bands on a high pullup bar and do ski erg motion practice for 8 minutes.



Snatch build to heavy single then 80% of that number x 2 for 3 sets
1 Vertical Leap x 10; 30 sec rest

A1: 5 Clean and Jerk touch and go @ 135 x 5; immediate transition
A2: 10 Box Jumps (20") x 5; 90 second rest


200m Sprint x 3; 3 min rest


NLI Training

Warmup for both sessions:
Snatch practice: build to 60% of 1RM and do one rep on the minute for 10 minutes

A1: Deadlift: 5, 5, 5, 5; 10 seconds
A2: 12 Burpees for speed x 4; 3 min
B: Ski Erg or Row: 2 min @ 85% x 4; 2 min rest
C: 10 unbroken HKTE x 5; 1 min rest (work on kips)

A1: 20 unbroken pullups x 4; 10 seconds
A2: 40 unbroken doubleunders x 4; 2 min rest



Tomorrow will start the 2nd 4-week phase, this time training specifically for the Next Level Invitational CrossFitter Decathlon. It will be fairly consistent int/vol until the last week which will be taper and focus on neural activation.




A1: Front Squat @ 30X1; 6 sets of 3; 1:00 rest
A2: Bench Press @ 30X1: 6 sets of 3; 1:00 rest
A3: Power Clean; 6 sets of 1; 3:00 rest
B1: 22 unbroken kipping pullups x 5; 45 second rest
B2: 14 unbroken kipping HSPU x 5; 45 second rest
C: 25 GHD Situps x 5; 45 second rest


5 rounds
30 unbroken wallballs
500m Row @ 95%
3:00m rest


Snatch: 70%/3 x 2, 80%/2 x 3, 90%/1 x 2
Clean and Jerk: 70%/3+1, 80%/3+1 x 2, 90%/2+1 x 2
Back Squat: 85%/3 X 5
100m row sprint x 3; 3 min rest


Row easy 1000m

A1: 5 x 5 explosive box jumps; 10 seconds
A2: 5 x 5 explosive clapping pushups; 10 seconds
A3: 5 x 5 explosive hanging knees to elbows; 30 seconds

4 rounds of:
20 Pullups
30 unbroken KB Swings (53/35)
40 unbroken doubleunders
2 min rest


For time:
5 rounds of:
10 Hang powercleans @ 135
15 Burpees
20 Toes to Bar

This is a test. Go hard.


6 rounds of:
1000m Row
50 doubleunders
rest = work


6 rounds of
1 powerclean (for load) + 4 burpees (speed)
rest 60 seconds

rest 5 minutes

6 rounds of:
1 powersnatch (for load) + max rower watts in 4 strokes
rest 60 seconds

rest 5 minutes

3 rounds of:
8 clapping pushups (max effort)
12 explosive box jumps (max effort)
45 second rest


A1: 9.9.9 Pullup complex x 4; 90 seconds
A2: 5.5.5 Press complex x 4; 90 seconds
B: Jumping Squats with #45 Barbell AMRAP in 1 min x 3; 2 min rest

pullup complex: deadhang, ctb, cob
press complex: press, push press, push jerk


A1: Deadlift: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; 2 min
A2: Split Jerk: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 2 min
B: Weighted Pullup: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1: 2 min

5 rounds @ full intensity of:
15 unbroken CTB pullups
25 unbroken wall balls
35 unbroken doubleunders
350m Row
rest 4 minutes b/t rounds


Rest Day.

Tomorrow starts a 6 day hard week. Prepare. Eat well. It will be followed by 2 days rest and an easier week.


Mon: Double
Tue: Double
Wed: Single
Thur: Single
Fri: Double
Sat: Single


A1: 800m Run @ 85% x 3; rest half of work.
A2: 1000m Row @ 85% x 3; rest half of work.
B1: Deadhang Pullups w/ 25lbs hung AMRAP (-1) x 6; 1 min rest
B2: Handstand Pushups AMRAP (-1) x 6; 1 min rest

B1: After set 3 do unweighted deadhangs. Ladies do regular deadhangs the whole time or use band as necessary.
B2: Scale as needed.


Build to a heavy single in power snatch.

Power Snatch breathing ladder @ (95/75)
1 power snatch, put the weight down, one deep breath.
2 unbroken power snatches, put the weight down, two deep breaths.
3 unbroken power snatches, put the weight down, three deep breaths...
and so on, until you can't make the reps unbroken.

Rest 5 minutes

Repeat @ (75, 55)


A1: High Bar Back Squat @ 30X1; 6, 6, 6, 6, 6; 1:30 rest
A2: Bench Press @ 30X1: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4; 1:30 rest
A3: Weighted Pullup @ 20X1; 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; 3:00 rest
B1: 18 unbroken kipping pullups x 4; 45 second rest
B2: 12 unbroken kipping HSPU x 4; 45 second rest
C: 20 GHD Situps x 5; 45 second rest

500m Row @ 85% x 5; 1:30 rest

"If one communication needs to be made regarding the weekly schedule, it is this: do not regard any of the schedules on the opposite page, your own schedule, or anyone else’s, as some sort of divine gospel. If an athlete looks tired and feels tired, she is probably tired, irrespective of whether she has finished all ten bench presses or performed every one of the pre-mandated special endurance runs. There is absolutely no reason to “just finish this set” or “give it one last push;” the athlete has much more to lose by overstretching her capacity than to gain by running another 150 metres.

Another common error is postponing work that was not completed. That is, if Sally did not finish all twenty of her starts, she will simply do more of them the next day, or the next high intensity day. Unfortunately, Sally, just like any other human, has a finite capacity for exercise, a finite amount of energy. If she was unable to complete the work one day, there was a reason: she did not have the necessary energy! Once a day is gone, it is gone; Sally and her coach must simply cut their losses and move on."

Charlie Francis, Key Concepts

This obviously applies to all athletes.


Find one rep max thruster in 10 minutes

Take 50% of this weight and do:

20 Thrusters
250m Row
Rest 3 minutes
15 Thrusters
200m Row
Rest 2 min
10 Thrusters
150m Row
Rest 1 min
5 thrusters
100m Row
rest 10 minutes

x 2

Row easy 10 minutes as cool down


A1: Powerclean 3.2.1 x 4; 15 sec rest
A2: Pullups 8.8.8 x 4; 15 sec rest (first set deadhangs, second set CTB, third set chin over bar)
A3: 15 Burpees as fast as possible x 4; 4 min rest

A 'period' designates a 10 second rest interval to reset.

B1: Handstand walk as far as possible in 1 attempt x 5; 30 seconds
B2: 20 GHD Situps x 5; 1 min

B1: If you are unable to do handstand walks, do one 40 second static hold, against a wall if necessary.


Pick a skill you KNOW you are not good at, practice for 10 minutes.
ie. muscleups, running drills, handstands, overhead squats, doubleunders, pistols...

A1: Clean Grip Deadlift @ 30X1: 8, 8, 8, 8; 2 min rest
A2: Press @ 20X1: 6, 6, 6, 6; ; 2 min rest
B1: 15 unbroken kipping pullups x 4; 45 second rest
B2: 10 unbroken kipping HSPU x 4; 45 second rest
C: 15 GHD Situps x 5; 1 min rest

500m Row @ 85% x 4; 2 min rest



Read something!


Ring handstand practice for 15 minutes (yeah, that means get up on those rings and try to do some handstands. If you have the fear, overcome it.) During the same time accumulate 40 pistols, try to go free standing, use support if you need to.

A1: Backsquat @ 30X1: 8, 8, 8, 8; 2 min rest
A2: Weighted Ring Dips @ 20X1: 6, 6, 6, 6; 2 min rest

4 rounds of:
15 squat box jumps to 20" (squat before you jump onto the box - be EXPLOSIVE!)
10 clapping pushups (be EXPLOSIVE!)
90 sec rest

followed by:

3 rounds of:
15 air squats (fast)
10 pushups (fast)
60 sec rest

On squat box jumps use a higher box if you want.


(a)AMRAP power snatches @ #75/50 in 1 min
rest 1 min
(b)AMRAP doubleunders in 1 min
rest 1 min
(c)AMRAP pushpress @ #75/50 in 1 min
rest 1 min
(d)AMRAP row meters in 1 min
rest 3 min

x 5

Note reps of each round.

Add all like reps for a score in each exercise (a1+a2+a3+a4+a5 = total power snatch score).

Note each exercise total.

Goal is to make each succeeding round have more reps. So if I did 20 power snatches my first round, I'd try to beat that on my second round. And so on. This will teach good pacing. Learn the point where you can maintain.


A1: Powerclean 3.2.1 x 4; 15 sec rest
A2: Pullups 7.7.7 x 4; 15 sec rest (first set deadhangs, second set CTB, third set chin over bar)
A3: 12 Burpees as fast as possible x 4; 4 min rest

A 'period' designates a 10 second rest interval to reset.

B1: Handstand walk as far as possible in 1 attempt x 5; 30 seconds
B2: 15 GHD Situps x 5; 1 min

B1: If you are unable to do handstand walks, do one 30 second static hold, against a wall if necessary.

If there is any clarification needed, please ask.


Row 1000m x 5; rest same as work
Run 800m x 5; rest same as work

A1: Muscleups; 10 sets of 4; 10 sec
A2: Front Squat @ 30X1; 10 sets of 2; 2 min rest
B: Accumulate 3 min of L-sit in as few sets as possible

Use moderate to heavy weight on front squat but don't go close to failure.

Last high(er) volume day. Rest day tomorrow.


Take 5 minutes to build to a moderately heavy snatch around 80% of 1RM - the goal is bodyweight.

Snatch that weight on the minute for up to 10 minutes, or until you miss. (if you miss on your second minute, that's it... move on... the goal is to focus on each rep, and make each one count)
Success is completing the entire 10 minutes.

rest 2 minutes

Take the same weight and do 1 snatch balance on the minute for 10 minutes, or until you miss. The same rules apply as above. FOCUS on each rep.

rest 2 minutes

Take the same weight and do 1 overhead squat on the minute for up to 10 minutes, or until you miss. The same rules apply as above. FOCUS on each rep.

If you missed on anything, practice for an additional 10 minutes on your weakness. Get a video camera and post some links to your lifts so I can help you.

If you were successful, and you used bodyweight-on-bar or close to it, you're done.

If you were successful but the weight was too easy because technique forced you to work light, build to a heavy single on OHS and do it for 5 singles with 2 minutes between each lift.


A1: Backsquat @ 2020; 10 reps x 4; Bodyweight on bar; 1 min rest
A2: Bench Press @ 2020; 10 reps x 4; .75x Bodyweight on bar; 1 min rest
B1: Air Squat @ 1010; 50 reps x 2; 1 min rest
B2: Pushup @ 1010; 25 reps x 2; 1 min rest
C1: Supine Ring Rows @ 10X1; AMRAP (-2) x 4; 1 min rest
C2: Hip Extension @ 10x1; 20 reps x 4; 1 min rest

A1 and A2 are done in a circuit, alternating. Same with B1 & B2. And C1 & C2.

The number following the exercise is the tempo.
2020 = 2 second descent, 0 second hold in bottom, 2 second ascent, 0 hold in bottom. First number ALWAYS represents the descending portion. So if I had pullups @ 1020, it would be a 1 second descent, 2 second ascent. Get it?
If you see an X in the tempo it means explode out from the bottom. Supine ring rows, for example, would be a 1 second descent, 0 second hold in the bottom, explode up, 1 second hold at top.

Any minus symbols after an AMRAP is the number of reps before failure. (-2) is two reps before muscular failure.


The problem with a generic programming protocol is that it does not address individual needs. Every athlete is different, and requires different factors in training, nutrition, and rest. So I urge you to be objective when you analyze yourself. Some people work very well with high volume, others with high intensity... some people are prone to adrenal fatigue, or get sick/injured quickly when they start to over-reach. The point is, you have to be aware. You CANNOT rely on someone else 100%, you have to take your training into your own hands. So if I program something, and it feels like way to much, comment on it and don't be afraid to change it to suit your own needs. For the most part, however, I highly recommend following this RXd - as I'm constantly trying to play with variables that should accommodate MOST people.

My basic goal is to provide a simple periodized schedule that is systematic in building capacity and skill. Most days have strength, conditioning and skill elements. This is a sport and each session should be thought of as PRACTICE. When we get into higher intensity weeks I will note that a workout is a test, and that you need to push it as hard as you can. This is mental as well. It's important. You cannot go all out, all the time. Pacing is crucial in high level competition, and you have to learn to push right to the 'before-redline' point and hum along at that pace. If you go past that and fall off the edge, it won't be good. You won't be able to recover and your time will suffer. Although sometimes, you NEED to go over that edge; but, usually, you want to play on the edge. That part is my job: telling you when to go hard, when to go easy, how long to rest and work and what movements to do, among other things. Your job is to feed me information about how you're feeling, what your scores are, if you feel amped or lethargic etc. In doing that I can tailor the schedule.

Spend 10 minutes alternating between explosive box jumps and freestanding handstand practice.


5 Rounds of:
20 Pullups
rest 30 seconds
30 GHD Situps
rest 40 seconds
40 doubleunders
rest 50 seconds
50 Air Squats
rest 1 min

Keep a good pace on everything. If you find yourself struggling, break up sets as needed. Do not extend yourself too far.

Rest 5 - 10 minutes

Spend at least 10 minutes focusing on hip flexors, quads and hamstrings. (mobility work) Check out Kelly Starret's page for ideas.

Tomorrow is a rest day.


A1: Powerclean; 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; 30 sec rest
A2: Push Press; 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; 3 min rest

You can use 1 bar or 2, however you want to set it up. Stick to the rest intervals. Do not hit failure on any sets.

Rest 4 hours minimum. Make sure to eat a fairly balanced meal that includes extra protein.

5 rounds of:
1000m row at 75%
30 ring pushups (stop before failure - can sub regular pushups if needed)
Rest 2:30


Alright, it's been a month. Hopefully you've had some good training from another source.

I'm going to be posting an 8 week cycle with weekly periodization for an intermediate athlete. It will taper at the end and culminate with a test. It would be nice to get some feedback from anyone following this cycle. Without feedback it will be hard for me to gauge the recovery requirements as I'm not following this myself.

3 on 1 off.

H = High
M = Medium
L = Low
V = Volume
I = Intensity

Approx schedule:
Week 1: HV, LI
Week 2: MV, MI
Week 3: MV, MI
Week 4: HV, HI
Week 5: LV, LI
Week 6: MV, HI
Week 7: MV, LI
Week 8: LV, HI
2 Day test.

A: Snatch or OHS: 10 sets of 3 @ 60% to 70%; 2 min active rest
B1: Ring HSPU or HSPU: 10 sets of 3; 1 min rest
B2: Weighted Pullups: 10 sets of 3; 1 min rest

Pick a weight for the pullups that allows 3 easy reps on first set. Stay at the same weight for all.


L-sit and Handstand warmup.

Rounds/reps in 3 minutes @ 75% intensity of:
21 doubleunders
15 burpees
9 thrusters @ .5x BW
3 min rest

x 4

This should be easily paced. Each 3 minute work interval should yield the same number of rounds/reps.


Last day of Phase 3.

Test day; take 2 max lifts and a benchmark wod.

After this, follow someone else's programming (ie OPT, mainsite, or your own - if you know what your doing) for a month. The objectivity I try to strive for in my programming may not hit all the heads of fitness; I am only one mind. To mitigate this I recommend following a different path for awhile. Learn, apply, experiment, and stay aware.


Alternate practicing between these:
Overhead Squat (build as heavy as you want)
For 20 minutes.

followed by:

4 rounds of:
Row 750
75 doubleunders
rest 3 minutes


5 rounds for time:
12 Barbell Backsquats (bodyweight)
16 Ring Dips
12 Pullups

break up sets as necessary. Try not to fail on any reps.


A: Back Squat: 90%/2 x 6
B: Press: 3 sets of 5

Rest 2+ hours

2 rounds of:

500m Row
10 Push Presses @ 135/95
20 KB Swings @ 72/53
30 Box Jumps 24"/20"
40 Doubleunder


Muscleups practice for 10 minutes.
Handstand practice for 10 minutes.

Row: 500m @ 90% x 4; 2 min rest

Rest 10 minutes

5 rounds of:
Power Snatch x 5 unbroken
50 doubleunders (sets of 25 unbroken)
3 min rest

Adjust PS weight as necessary.


Hard Double:

Snatch: build up to 2RM
Clean and Jerk: build up to 2RM
Front Squat: build to 3RM

21-15-9 of
CTB Pullups
Burpees Box Jumps (20")

As soon as you finish the WOD AMRAP doubleunders until the 10 min mark.


A: Run 400m x 5; 2 min rest

B: For time:

"Flight Simulator"
5 unbroken doubleunders
10 unbroken doubleunders
15 unbroken doubleunders
20 unbroken doubleunders
25 unbroken doubleunders
30 unbroken doubleunders
35 unbroken doubleunders
40 unbroken doubleunders
45 unbroken doubleunders
50 unbroken doubleunders
45 unbroken doubleunders
40 unbroken doubleunders
35 unbroken doubleunders
30 unbroken doubleunders
25 unbroken doubleunders
20 unbroken doubleunders
15 unbroken doubleunders
10 unbroken doubleunders
5 unbroken doubleunders


Snatch: 80%/2 x 4
CJ: 85%/1, 90%/1, 93%/1, 80%/2 x 2
Backsquat: 80%/5 x 3

5 rounds:
10 Burpees
15 Pullups
90 second rest

Rest 10 min

5 rounds of:
GHD situps x 10
Hip extensions x 10


A: Powerclean: 1.1.1 x 5; 3 min rests
'.' = 10 sec pause
B: Bench Press: 8-5-3-8-5-3; 3 min rests

4 rounds:
500m Row
25 Burpees

*Rest time = Work time


Build to heavy single on thruster.


3 rounds of:
60 ft of handstand walks
10 Front Squat @ Bodyweight

Rest 3 minutes

3 rounds of:
75 doubleunders (unbroken sets of 25)
25 pushups


A: 1 Power Snatch + 5 OHS; 4 sets; 3 min b/t sets
Same weight for PS and OHS.

B: 800m x 4; 3 min rests


Snatch Max
Clean and Jerk Max
Back Squat Max


8 rounds for time of:
6 Squat Cleans @ 135
12 Pullups
24 Doubleunders


3 skills practice.
Pick 3 skills, alternate practicing between them for 15 minutes.

5 rounds of:
Run 800m
AMRAP unbroken powercleans (155, 105)
4 min rests b/t attempts

Note 800m split and powerclean reps per round.


A1: Bar Muscleups 5 sets of 3; 10 seconds
A2: Pistols 5 sets of 3 each side; 1 minute

4 rounds of:
500m Row
10 Handstand Pushups

Deadlift 15 reps as heavy as you can go.

Build up weight, use around 70 to 75% (will vary). One attempt. Record results.


Squat Snatch: Build to heavy single
Take that weight and do:
Snatch Balance: 1 + 2 OHS x 5; rest 3 min b/t


Bench Press: 8, 8, 8, 8, 8; 20 seconds
CTB Pullups: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15; 3 min


For time:
50 Burpees
100 doubleunders


Overhead Squat build to heavy triple


4 rounds of:
350m row
25 Wallballs
35 Box Jumps (20")


A: Push Press: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; rest 20 seconds
B: Power Clean: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 3 minutes

Weights for these should be pretty close. Push press the your weight. Drop it to the ground (adjust weight if necessary - be quick) then powerclean it for 3. On the last powerclean rerack it. Adjust weight between sets as necessary. Make it heavy.

4 rounds of:
500m Row
25 GHD Situps
2 min rest

Note round splits.


Alright. Phase 3. A balanced strength and metcon program. Anyone wanting to gain strength specifically I recommend doing phase 2 over again.

General mobility warmup.

A1 Back Squat: 5,4,3,2,1; 3 min rest
A2 Weighted Pullup: 5,4,3,2,1; 3 min rest

5 minutes after last pullup

3 rounds of 1 min burpees, 1 min rest
Immediately followed by:
AMRAP doubleunders in 4 minutes


Deload D5

Rest today and Saturday. Test 1 RMs on Sunday or Monday.

End of Phase 2


Deload D4



Deload D3

A1: High Pull 3x3 across
A2: Press 3x3 across
A3: Front Squat 3x3 across

Use 75% of what you normally use for all sets.

B1: 10 kipping pullups x 3; 10 seconds
B2: 15 box jumps (20") x 3; 60 seconds

C1: 10 GHD situps x 3; 30 seconds
C2: 15 Hip Extensions x 3; 30 seconds


Deload D2



Deload D1

Used between phases as necessary.

A1 Powerclean 5x3 across
A2 Bench Press 5x5 across
A3 Back Squat 5x5 across

Use 75% of what you normally use for all sets.

Kettlebell windmills: 3 sets of 5 (light)
Rotator Cuff, lying external rotation: 3 sets of 10 (light)



Speed Day

Warmup with box jumps.

A: Box Squat x 2; 8 sets @ 50% of 1RM; Rest 1 min b/t sets

B: Speed Bench Press x 3; 8 sets @ 50% of 1 RM; rest 1 min b/t sets

C: Deadlift x 2; 8 sets @ 45% 1RM; rest 30 seconds b/t sets

On boxsquat, sit to a bench/box that is just below parallel. Use a power rack if you have it. When sitting to the box, put all your weight on it, maintain internal pressure, and quickly stand from the bottom while keeping the weight controlled. This is a technique called static overcome by dynamic strength. When sitting you are in a static, seated position, then you propel yourself dynamically up to a standing position. These movements/reps should be done explosively with purpose.


AMRAP x 1 strict ring dips

rest 3 minutes

AMRAP x 1 kipping pullups

rest 3 minutes

AMRAP in 2 minutes of GHD Situps



30 min recovery run, under 75% of heart rate if you have a HR monitor.


Skill work.

Pick 3 weaknesses and alternate between them for 30 min.



A1: High Pull 3x3 progressive
A2: Press 3x3 progressive
A3: Front Squat 3x3 progressive

Build to a 3RM for the day on each.


4 rounds:
KB Snatch (heavy) x 10 Each side; 30 seconds
Thruster #45 x 30 unbroken; 30 seconds
Toes to Bar x 20; 90 seconds



25 min easy run


4 rounds of:
Clean and Jerk 60% x 3; 30 second rest
Box Jump x 3 (as high as you can); 30 second rest
Handstand walk x 20 seconds; 30 second rest
Doubleunders x 30; 30 second rest
Ring L-sits x 15 seconds; 2 min rest

Clean and Jerks focus on form, feel the weight, notice what your body does.
Box Jumps are for height. You want to push it, but keep it safe.
Walk on your hands for 20 seconds
Doubleunders focus on speed and conserving energy (don't waste movement)
Try to keep hips and heels in line.



A1 Powerclean 5x3 progressive
A2 Bench Press 5x5 progressive
A3 Back Squat 5x5 progressive

Rest as needed.

"Progressive" means that the weight increases as you go, you should finish with the heaviest weight you can handle for the prescribed reps. Guideline of finishing with 107% of last Monday's "across" numbers.


4 rounds of:
30 Box Jumps (24"/20") ; 30 seconds
15 CTB Pullups; 90 seconds

Goal is everything unbroken.


3 rounds:
B1: Planks x 60 seconds (advanced athletes do 1 armed 30 seconds each side); 30 second rest
B2: GHD Hip Extension x 15 (use weight if necessary) ; 60 second rest

On the plank, assume a pushup position: arms straight. For one armed, hand that's is not on the ground rests on the lower back. Square your hips to the ground, bring your feet close together to make it harder. Body stays in a rigid line from shoulders to ankles. Eventually add weight.


Rest as needed between singles.

A: Overhead Squat 5x1
B: Push Jerk 5x1
C: Kipping Ring Dip AMRAP x 1
D: Pistols AMRAP x 1
(start with your non dominant leg amrap. Rest 2 min. Dominant leg amrap)

Option for C: chest to deck pushups amrap x 1
(knees cannot touch the floor during test)
OR AMRAP knee pushups x 1

Option for D: Air Squats AMRAP x 1
(no pausing on top or bottom, doing so terminates set)



Rest for everyone. Stretch and/or go for a walk.



10 minute easy warmup run

A1: High Pull 3x3 across
A2: Press 3x3 across
A3: Front Squat 3x3 across

Use 103% to 105% of weights from 2 weeks ago.

2 rounds of:
AMRAP in 30 seconds of 45# barbell thruster
rest 1 min
AMRAP in 45 seconds of burpees
rest 90 seconds
AMRAP in 1 minute of doubleunders
rest 2 minutes

Advanced athletes:


4 rounds:
A1: weighted pullup x 3; 1 min
A2: thruster x 3; 4 min



4k Steady Row:
1st 1k @ 20 strokes per minute (SPM)
2nd 1k @ 24 SPM
3rd 1k @ 28 SPM
4th 1k @ 24 SPM
Row at a pace that has you breathing hard, but not gasping. You should be able to hold a conversation. Focus on strokes

4 rounds of:
Snatch Balance 60% of max OHS x 5; 30 second rest
Triple Under x 5; 30 second rest
Pistols x 5 each side; 30 second rest
Ring Handstand x 20 seconds; 30 second rest
Ring L-sits x 15 seconds; 2 min rest

Snatch balance focus on speed and dropping yourself beneath the bar.
Triple unders are tough. You have to focus on wrist speed more than anything else. Do 25 doubleunders if you can't do triple unders.
Ring handstands are accumulated time.
Ring L-sits are accumulated time.



A1 Powerclean 5x3 across
A2 Bench Press 5x5 across
A3 Back Squat 5x5 across

Rest 3 min b/t sets

Compare to D1-W1 of this cycle. Go up 5% (multiply your previous weights by 1.05)


4 rounds:
Strict toes to bar (hanging leg raise) x 10; 30 seconds
GHD Hip Extension x 15 ; 30 seconds (use weight if necessary)

Advanced athletes:

Evening work:

3 rounds of:
200m Sprint @ 95%
20 lunges
3 min rest
800m Run
AMRAP pushups unbroken
3 min rest

Each 200m sprint should be done hard, but at a consistent pace. Same with the 800. Note each split for both runs and reps achieved on pushups per round.



Speed Day

Warmup with box jumps.

A: Box Squat x 2; 8 sets @ 50% of 1RM; Rest 1 min b/t sets

B: Speed Bench Press x 3; 8 sets @ 50% of 1 RM; rest 1 min b/t sets

C: Deadlift x 2; 8 sets @ 45% 1RM; rest 30 seconds b/t sets

On boxsquat, sit to a bench/box that is just below parallel. Use a power rack if you have it. When sitting to the box, put all your weight on it, maintain internal pressure, and quickly stand from the bottom while keeping the weight controlled. This is a technique called static overcome by dynamic strength. When sitting you are in a static, seated position, then you propel yourself dynamically up to a standing position. These movements/reps should be done explosively with purpose.


AMRAP x 1 strict handstand pushups

rest 3 minutes

AMRAP x 1 strict deadhang pullups

rest 3 minutes

AMRAP in 2 minutes of anchored situps



30 min recovery run, under 75% of heart rate if you have a HR monitor.


Skill work.

Pick 3 weaknesses and alternate between them for 30 min.



A1: High Pull 3x3 progressive
A2: Press 3x3 progressive
A3: Front Squat 3x3 progressive

Build to a 3RM for the day on each.


4 rounds:
KB Swings (heavy) x 15 unbroken; 30 seconds
Wallballs (20/16 to 10') x 20 unbroken; 30 seconds
Hanging Knees to elbows x 15; 90 seconds

KB swings use as heavy as you can handle for 15 unbroken. Weight can change between rounds as needed.
Wallballs focus on speed, fluidity and what your body is doing.
Hanging knees for rhythm; get in your groove, and if you can't... practice. Rhythm should be your focus.



15 min Warmup run at recovery pace. That's an easy talking pace. Work on technique.

4 rounds of:
Overhead Squat 60% x 5; 30 second rest
Muscleups x 1-5; 30 second rest
L-sits accumulate 25 seconds; 30 second rest
Handstand accumulate 25 seconds; 2 minute rest

High quality reps on the overhead squats. Focus on stability.
Between 1 and 5 muscleups depending on your competency, if you can't do one yet, drill the progressions for 1 minute.
L-sits can be done in one set of 20 seconds, or many sets if necessary.
Handstands can be done against the wall, but try to balance off the wall as much as you can.



A1 Powerclean 5x3 progressive
A2 Bench Press 5x5 progressive
A3 Back Squat 5x5 progressive

Rest as needed.

"Progressive" means that the weight increases as you go, you should finish with the heaviest weight you can handle for the prescribed reps. Guideline of finishing with 107% of last Monday's "across" numbers.


4 rounds of:
40 doubleunders; 30 seconds
20 Pullups; 90 seconds

Goal is everything unbroken.


3 rounds:
B1: GHD Situps x 30; 45 seconds
B2: GHR x 12; 45 seconds



Rest as needed between singles. 

A: Deadlift 5x1
B: Push Press 5x1
C: Strict Ring Dip AMRAP x 1
D: Pistols AMRAP x 1
(start with your non dominant leg amrap. Rest 2 min. Dominant leg amrap)

Option for C: chest to deck pushups amrap x 1
(knees cannot touch the floor during test)
OR AMRAP knee pushups x 1

Option for D: Air Squats AMRAP x 1
(no pausing on top or bottom, doing so terminates set)



Rest Day

Optional run for Advanced athletes. Keep HR low, between 60 and 70% of max. Or easy talking pace. From 20 to 40 minutes.

Tomorrow we go heavy.



10 minute easy warmup run

A1: High Pull 3x3 across
A2: Press 3x3 across
A3: Front Squat 3x3 across

If this is your first time through this cycle take 95% of of phase 1's D3-W3's heaviest set of 3 for all sets today. Rest 4 min b/t sets. Otherwise, stay with a difficult but achievable weight.

4 rounds:
B1: unbroken box jumps x 30; 1 min
B2: knees to elbows x 20; 2 min

Advanced athletes:

At least 4 hours rest.

10x10 doubleunders warmup; 10 sec

3 rounds:
A1: weighted pullup x 5; 1 min
A2: thruster x 5; 4 min



Skill Day

3k Easy Steady Row:
1st 1k @ 20 strokes per minute
2nd 1k @ 24 strokes per minute
3rd 1k @ 28 strokes per minute
Keep the 500m pace @ men 2:00 or slower, women 2:15 or slower

4 rounds of:
Squat Snatch 55%x3; 30 second rest
Doubleunders x 25 for speed; 30 second rest
L-sits accumulate 20 seconds; 30 second rest
Parallette Handstand accumulate 20 seconds; 2 minute rest

Squat snatch are high quality reps. Reset on each rep.
Doubleunders are done for speed. If you can't yet do doubleunders, practice for 1 minute.
L-sits can be done in one set of 20 seconds, or many sets if necessary.
Parallette handstands can be done against the wall, but try to balance off the wall as much as you can.

070510 - P2D1W1

Phase 2


A1 Powerclean 5x3 across
A2 Bench Press 5x5 across
A3 Back Squat 5x5 across

Rest 3 min b/t sets

"Across" means the weight stays the same. If this is your first time in this cycle, take 93% of phase 1's D1-W3's heaviest set of 5, or 90% of phase 1's D5-W3's set of 3. Otherwise, stay with a difficult but achievable weight.


3 rounds:
B1: GHD Situps x 30; 1 min
B2: GHR x 12; 1 min

Advanced athletes:

Evening work:

6 rounds of:
4 min recovery running (approx 70% max HR if you have a HR monitor)
1 min hard running

Note highest HR achieved during hard running and time taken to recover back to 70% HR.



This is a hard day. Take the full weekend off. Stick to very easy tasks over the weekend... eat a lot of food (this should be easy on the 4th of July weekend), get a lot of sleep.

Starting monday the program will change a bit. Just keep following it as written. Those of you who understand programming will see what I'm doing. Those of you who don't understand yet don't need to worry about it.
These past 3 weeks have developed a base; progressive weights, getting a feel for the movements and where your strength levels are, and preparing your body for what's to come. We will continue to focus on strength/mass. Some recommendations as we move into a 4 week phase:

1. Eat a lot. More than usual. Get a lot of food in post workout.
2. Try to sleep as much as you can.
3. Do what's listed as RXd (unless it's out of your current capacity range).
4. Do not waiver, become obsessed with gaining strength. Set concrete goals for squats, press, bench press and powerclean. Burn those numbers into your subconscious. Let them become an obsession.


Warmup with doubleunders and hip extensions.
Hip mobility work.
15 box jumps (singles for height)

A1 Powerclean: 5-5-5-5-5-3
A2 Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5-3-8
A2 Squat: 5-5-5-5-5-3-8

On all exercises your last set of 5 should be 90% of your heaviest set of 5 from Monday. You're set of 3 should be the weight you intend on doing for 5 this upcoming monday. The sets of 8 should be with your 4th set of 5 weight.


3 rounds of:
15 Thrusters (95, 65); 10 sec
30 Doubleunders; 90 seconds


For time:
10 powerclean to overhead (155, 105)
20 box jumps (30")
20 elevated pushups (30")
20 box jumps (30")
10 squat cleans to overhead (155, 105)

Sub as necessary. But push yourself.



AM: 30 min recovery run

A: Snatch: 70% x 2 x 10; 1 min rests
(sub snatch balance or overhead squats if snatches are an issue. Focus on speed and grace)

B: C&J: 70% x 2 x 10; 1 min rests
(Focus on power, speed and control - get low on those jerks)

C: Free standing handstand AMSAP x 10; rest as needed
(stay still, as soon as you move your hands, rep is over. It's ok to restart on false starts ie. if you kick up and immediately fall back to your feet)

D: Max Box Jump for height.



A1: High Pull 5-5-3-3-3
A2: Press 5-5-3-3-3
A3: Front Squat 5-5-3-3-3

A bit of a change today. Highpull going 110% of mondays powercleans. Press heavier than last wednesday. Front Squat to a max for day (MFD) triple.

3 rounds:
B1: GHD Situps x 25; 1 min
B2: GHR x 10; 1 min

Rest at least 2 hours. Preferably 4+

Warmup thoroughly

5 x escalating 200m sprints; 4 min rest
first 100m building speed, second 100m @ 95%.



Snatch: free play.. listen to your intuition, do drills, complexes, go heavy if you feel it, stay light if you don't. If your overhead squats suck, practice those. 20 minutes

Clean and Jerks: same as above. Play with split cleans, full cleans, push jerks, split jerks, squat jerks if you want. 20 minutes.

30 minutes of gymnastics practice. Roll, flip, get on the parallettes, do handstands, muscleups, L-sits, plank practice etc. Push your coordination limits.

This is a skill day, with an option to go heavier in the o-lifts. The point is to get creative and do what YOUR weaknesses are. Focus on being present... and being aware of your body.

062810-Week 3



5 min easy run
Hip mobility
A1: 5 sets of 10 Doubleunders for speed; 30 sec rest
A2: 5 sets of 5 clapping pushups; 30 sec rest
B: 5 sets of 1 vertical jumps

(Heavy Day)
A1: Powerclean: 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Squat: 5-5-5-5-5

Hit it hard! Beat last weeks numbers.




3 rounds:
C&J x 10 (60% of heaviest set of powerclean); 1 min
AMRAP pullups w/ 30% BW; 1 min

go unbroken on C&J, set ends when you stop ie. if you only do 7 reps unbroken, you stop. When I say 'unbroken,' I mean the bar cannot rest on the floor or shoulders. Overhead pause is fine.

20 min recovery run



A1: Powerclean: 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Squat: 5-5-5-5-5
Build to 90% of heaviest set from Monday.
20 minute rest
4 x 400s; 90 sec rest
Goal is to maintain the same pace for each round ie. 1:10, 1:09, 1:11, 1:12

PM: (Mainsite)
Five rounds for time of:
40 Double-unders
30 Box jumps, 24 inch box
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood



AM: 35 min recovery run, if you can't talk, you're going too fast.



A1: 250m Row x 3; 30 sec
A2: 30 seconds handstand practice x 3; 30 sec
B: Hip Mobility
C: 1 vertical jump x 5; 10 second between.

Workout (Light Day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Press 5-5-3-3-3
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

B1: AMRAP CTB Pullups.COVP.Butterfly/regular kips x 2; 90 seconds
B2: AMRAP Press.Pushpress.Pushjerk x 2 (115, 75); 90 seconds
B3: AMRAP in 60 seconds of Front Squats x 2 (Bodyweight); 90 seconds

A: Go up to 80% of your heaviest set from Monday on Power Clean and Back Squat. On the press you are building to the heaviest set of 3 you can do.
B1: Break for 10 seconds between breakdown sets ie: 20CTB (rest 10 seconds) 10 COVP (rest 10 seconds) 10 Butterfly
B2: Break for 10 seconds between breakdown sets ie: 10 Presses (rest 10 seconds) 12 pushpresses (rest 10 seconds) 15 pushjerks



AM: 15 minute recovery run + 15 minute walk

Snatch 60% x 1 x 10
Clean and jerk 60% x 1 x 10

062110-Week 2


A1: Doubleunders 5 sets of 20; 30 second rest
A2: GHD Hip Extensions 5 sets of 10; 30 second rest
B: 3 rounds of Hip Mobility drills
C: 15 explosive box jumps; go for height. 

Workout (Heavy day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 
B1: Strict HSPU ladder 1-3
B2: Strict Pullup ladder 3-5
As many ladders in 10 minutes as possible
alternating between HSPU and pullup: 1 hspu, 3 pullups, 2 hspu, 4 pullups, 3 hspu, 5 pullup = 1 complete ladder 
C: GHD Situps unbroken: 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 
rest as needed between sets to ensure they are unbroken  

5 x 200m Sprints @ 90-95%; 5 min rests



A: Row 500m at easy pace
B: 20 slow shoulder dislocates w/ PVC pipe or band
C: On the minute mark perform 1 muscleup
     On the 30 second mark perform 10 doubleunders
     Do it for 10 minutes
D: Open up your hips with mobility drills
E: 3 sets of 10 box jumps to 20", rest as needed, be explosive and fast 

Workout (Medium Day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

Go only as heavy as your fourth set from monday.

Rest 2+ hours

15 rounds for time of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Rest 10 min

500m Row Sprint for time



AM: 30 min recovery run

Snatch 75% of 1RM for 5 singles; 3 min
Clean and push jerk 75% of push jerk 1RM for 5 singles; 3 min

A1: 3 sets of 5 light kb windmills each side; 60 seconds
A2: 3 sets of 10 light seated shoulder external rotations each side (elbow on knee); 60 seconds



A1: 250m Row x 3; 30 sec
A2: 30 seconds handstand practice x 3; 30 sec
B: Prep your hips here: http://journal.crossfit.com/2010/01/hip-prep.tpl 
C: 1 vertical jump x 5; 10 second between.

Workout (Light Day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Press 5-5-3-3-3
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B1: AMRAP (-2) CTB Pullups x 3; 90 seconds
B2: (Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 15) x 3 ; 90 seconds

Go only as heavy as the third set from Monday on Power Clean and Back Squat. On the press you are building to the heaviest set of 3 you can do.

Cool Down:
50 kb swings
Pick a weight that is easy - if you have doubts about the weight you choose, go lighter.




AM: 20 min recovery run.
Should be at a pace where you can talk easily. Don't think about the distance traveled. These recovery runs are going to get longer as we progress. Expect track work occasionally too.

A:Snatch: 10 singles up 60% 1RM
B:C&J: 10 singles up to 60% 1RM
Every rep should be deliberate - as if you were in a competition.

C1: 10 clapping pushups x 3; 10 second rest
C2: 15 box jumps (24"/20") x 3; 10 second rest
C3: 250m row @ 80% x 3; 2 min rest
This is high quality speed work, except for the row which should be at a solid but sustainable pace. You should feel fully recovered in 2 min. Maintain the pace for all 3 rounds.

061410-Week 1

Day 1-Week 1
The underlying base programming is Bill Starr's -- with my own additions thrown in as necessary to ensure full Crossfit application. This is a 3 week cycle to build basic strength familiarity and capacity.

A1: Doubleunders 5 sets of 20; 30 second rest
A2: GHD Hip Extensions 5 sets of 10; 30 second rest
B: 3 rounds of Hip Mobility drills

C: 15 explosive box jumps

Workout (Heavy day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B1: Strict chinups AMRAP (-2) x 4; 1 min
B2: 15 GHD Situps x 4; 1 min

A: Rest intervals are up to you. Guideline of 1 min for the 1st circuit, 2 min for the 2nd circuit and so on with a maximum of 4 min; so on circuit 5 you would still rest 4 min.  Go progressively heavier on the 5 x 5 , last set of 5 should be hard. We're in the early stages, so it'll be a feeling out process. Example: I think I can do 315 for 5 on back squat, so my sets would look like: 135/5, 185/5, 225/5, 275/5, 315/5

Let me give you a full example of what to do. After the general warmup, setup a powerclean station, bench press station and back squat station. Do your first set of powercleans, rest 1 min, do your bench presses, rest 1 min, do your back squats, that concludes your first set of 5s, rest 2 min, go back to powercleans, rest 2 min, bench press, rest 2 min... and so on... until you do your last heavy set of 5s.  

15 Reverse Hypers
Easy 1000 meter row
15 Reverse Hypers

061210 - 061310


Strength and power focus cycle starts Monday. This does not mean I will neglect everything else. It means that strength and power is the focus.


Deadlift @ 10X1; 10 sets of 10; 60 sec

5 min rest

5 rounds of:
800m Run
10 Presses

On deadlift, pick a weight and stay with it for all sets. Goal should be bodyweight+. Keep tempo. Double overhand for as long as you can go. Once grip fails (if it does), go reverse, or hook.
Presses should be with a weight where 10 reps is fairly easy the first set.


A1 Powerclean 1.1.1 x 4; 60 seconds
A2 Bench Press @ 50X1; 3-3-3-3; 4 minutes
B Turkish Getup for load, 2 reps each arm alternating x 5; 3 min rests
C1 L-sit AMSAP x 4; 20 seconds
C2 30 doubleunders for speed; 2 minute

Stretch and cool down with rotator cuff work and shoulder mobility.

A1: Each period (.) is a ten second rest
A2: 5 second descent, 0 second hold at the bottom, eXplode up, 1 second hold at top
B: Use KBs as heavy as you have, then transition to barbell if necessary
C1: Stay tight. Good form.
C2: No practicing doubleunders before hand, your first set should be the first time you touch your jump rope today


Warmup with easy run drills. Then,


800 @ slower than 3:30
Rest 3 min
400 @ slower than 1:30
Rest 3 min

800 @ faster than 3:30
Rest 3 min
400 @ faster than 1:30
Rest 3 min

Work on tempo, breathing and form. Last 400 should be tough.

Rest as needed, but must be in the same session.

Overhead squat @ bodyweight AMRAP x 3; 8 min rests

Rest 5 min

OHS @ (135, 95) AMRAP x 1(if your bodyweight is within 10% of 135, use 115)

Rest 5 min

OHS @ (95, 65) AMRAP x 1

Once the weight is up overhead, that's it. Go until you can't.

Rest 5 min

Run 400m, compare time to last 400m from earlier.


Task: alternate every 30 seconds between 1 muscleup and 2 strict nose to ground handstand pushups for 10 min.

Start the clock. At the start do 1 muscleup, rest, at the 30 second mark do 2 HSPU, rest, at the 1:00 mark do 1 muscleup and so on, for 10 minutes. Focus on movement and grace. This is skill work to keep your grooves greased.

(Sub is 2 strict pullups + 2 strict ring dips and press 3 reps @ .5 BW)

rest 5 min

3 rounds for time of:
10 pistols (5 each side)
20 kipping pullups
30 pushups

(pistols are free standing - if you need to counterbalance yourself with a weight, do it... no walls or support; pullups are COVP; pushups are chest to deck)

rest 10 minutes

3 rounds for time of:
750m Row
75 doubleunders (25 unbroken x 3)

(restart rower each round, stop at each 25 rep interval)


A1: 1 full clean + 3 front squats x 4; 3 min rest
A2: push press 3-3-3-3; 3 min rest

B1: 15 unbroken box jumps for height x 5; 20 sec rest
B2: 20 unbroken kettlebell snatch x 5; 3 min rest

C1: 15 GHD situps x 5; 30 sec rest
C2: 15 explosive hip extensions (on ghd) x 5; 30 sec rest

B2 is 20 total. Switch only once.


A: Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1

B1: Bodyweight Bench Press @ 20X1 AMRAP (-1) x 4; 3 minutes
B2: Pullup with 30% of BW hung @ 20X1 AMRAP (-1) x 4; 3 minutes
Add total reps of B1. Add Total reps of B2.

3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
500m Row
50 Doubleunders


A: Write down one strength movement that is a weakness for you (ie. strict pullups, press, squat, OHS, deadlift) or one at which you need to be better.

B: Write down 3 movements and/or skills you need to work on.

Warmup with an easy 1000m Row, or an easy 800m run. EASY! Focus on form and body awareness.

Take what you wrote for A, and do 1-3 easy reps (try 60% of 1RM) every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes. For example, an athlete can deadlift 300 for 1 rep, he will use 180 for each set. Focus on quality of movement, then speed. If the movement is a bodyweight movement like pushups, HSPUs, or pullups... pick a doable rep range. Do not fail. Stay at least 3-5 reps shy of failure. If you cannot do the movement yet, like a pullup, use bands, or do 1-3 jump negatives etc. Be creative.


Take the 3 movements you wrote down. Say they were: handstands, overhead squat and doubleunders.

Alternate between these 3 movements every 2 minutes for 30 minutes. Keep everything light and easy... focus on what your body is doing and how you feel. This is TECHNIQUE work. If you are gasping for air, you are doing it wrong.

For the first 2 minutes you would practice handstands... going between the wall and freestanding however you see fit. Maybe play with the parallettes and get a sense of how your body feels upside down.

The second 2 minutes you would grab a PVC pipe or maybe an empty barbell and practice engaging your shoulders or sitting deep in the bottom position.

The third 2 minutes you would get your jump rope and work on fast wrists and jumping straight up and down etc...  

And so on until 30 minutes is complete...

If you don't know the techniques/progressions for the movements you want to learn, look online and study. Take notes and review them during your session. If you have a coach... ask questions.

Row an easy 1000m or run an easy 800m as a cooldown. EASY.

Stretch for 20 minutes.


A: snatch 10 singles building to heavy single in 20 minutes.

B1: deadlift 3-3-3-3; rest-pause; 3 min rest
B2: press 1.1.1 x 4; 3 min rest

C1: 10 burpees x 5; 20 seconds
C2: 15 ctb pullups x 5; 20 seconds
C3: 20 single arm russian kb swings (10 each side) x 5; 60 seconds

A: VISUALIZE every rep before you do it. Focus.
B: Build quickly on the deadlifts, same with the presses. Get on the clock fast. Don't fail on the reps. Stick to a weight you can do. Success feeds on itself. Push only if you feel the fire. Rep scheme on deadlifts is rest pause. That means reset on each rep. No bouncing. Press is a cluster, each period represents a 10 second pause where you re-rack the weight.

C: Maintain pace and speed. Every round should be close. Focus on recovery during transitions. Russian kb swings are to eye level.

Note loads and splits.


A: 10 unbroken clean thrusters for max weight x 4; 5 min rests

B: 500m Row x 2; 4 min rests

C: Tabata mash of doubleunders and kipping ring dips

Notes: on A can rest anywhere but ground, round ends when you break, note loads and reps.


A: Snatch, 10 singles, building to moderate to heavy single
B: Clean and Jerk, 10 singles, building to moderate to heavy single

Rest 10 min and warm up necessary movements.


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
3 bar muscleups
6 hanging knees to elbows
9 wallballs
12 unbroken doubleunders

Rest 4+ hours

Find a hilly run route, run for 15 to 25 minutes at an easy to moderate pace. Focus on breathing and picking upthe heels. Be present. Enjoy it.


A1: Split Jerk From the Back 1-1-1-1; 4 min rest
B1: Press 3-3-3-3-3; 20 sec
B2: Pullup with 35lbs attached amrap x 5; 3 min rest
C1: 25 GHD Situps x 5; 1 min rest

Rest 4 + Hours

Go to a track:
4 x 400m; 3 min rests
5 min rest
2 X 200m; 5 min rest

Easy 1200m Cooldown/recovery

400m pace should be target mile pace.
200m pace should be target 400m pace.

ie: 5:00min mile goal, run 400m @ 1:15; 50 second goal 400m, run 200m @ 25


A1: Powerclean 3-2-1-2-1; 10 second rest
A2: Free Standing Handstand amsap x 5; 4 minute rest
B1: Pullups 3-3-3-3-3; 20 second rest
B2: Strict HSPU amrap x 5; 3 minute rest
C: GH Raises 10 sets of 5; 30 second rest

Post load, times and reps.

Rest 4+ hours

20-30 minute run, row, bike or swim.


A: Back Squat @ 10X1; 10 sets of 10; 45 second rest

5 min rest

B: 20 min row doing 10 bench presses @ 135 every 4th minute.

A Keep tempo. Note weight.
B Note distance traveled and tempo on bench press.