Pick a skill you KNOW you are not good at, practice for 10 minutes.
ie. muscleups, running drills, handstands, overhead squats, doubleunders, pistols...

A1: Clean Grip Deadlift @ 30X1: 8, 8, 8, 8; 2 min rest
A2: Press @ 20X1: 6, 6, 6, 6; ; 2 min rest
B1: 15 unbroken kipping pullups x 4; 45 second rest
B2: 10 unbroken kipping HSPU x 4; 45 second rest
C: 15 GHD Situps x 5; 1 min rest

500m Row @ 85% x 4; 2 min rest


Paul Gregrow said...

Drifted away for a few days. Last Paragon WOD was Friday and didn't get to finish it. People came into the gym and I lost my motivation. However, I did Grace Friday night at CF marina. It was my fist time hitting a WOD at all out intensity since training with the Paragon blog. I felt great! Hit a 15 second PR of 1:53. Recovery feels good and did 20 unbroken reps in my first set. Saturday I dip a chipper type of WOD with the gym, it went well and I felt pretty good. Was pretty gassed during DB thrusters and The 50 burpees. I'm rambling but figured I would check in with my training and what I have experienced. I'm back on board though!!

A1: 295, 300, 300, 300
A2: 145, 150, 152, 152
* hard to gauge a 8 rep max with the clean grip. I wanted it to be challenging, but not to failure. Really fought for a rigid spine and good mechanics. First time using that wide of a grip for deads.
* my press is weak!!!!

B2: 4 sets of 15 unbroken kipping pull ups- Complete
* all butterfly kip except last set. Last 3 reps regular kip
B2: 4 sets of 10 unbroken kipping HSPU(set hands on elevated platform 25# bumper plate)- incomplete
* first 2 sets were unbroken. Last 2 sets went 7+1+1+1 and

C. 5 sets of 15 GHD sit-ups- complete
* don't have GHD, so I made one. It works pretty well

Nathan H. said...

Sounds good dude.

When you say you never use that 'wide' of a grip, were you using a snatch grip by mistake? If not, clean grip will be just like a regular DL, just with a double overhand grip.

Your press numbers look fine. What's your BW?

Paul Gregrow said...

I think I generally take a closer grip when I dead. About half a thumb from first knurling. When I do cleans I take about a full thumb and a knuckle. What's a good rule of thumb? No pun in tended!

My body weight is 195-200

A: 1:38.7, 1:39.5, 1:41, 1:40.1
* I tried to maintain a sub 1:40 split. This got challenging and felt like I was pushing a bit harder than 85%. Recovery was ok.

Nathan H. said...

It's really personal preference... and probably depends on how you like to receive the bar. If it works for you stay with it - there's no hard set rule.

Numbers look good though man. I'll start throwing some higher skill stuff at you, and next week will be very tough - lots of tests and a lot of work.