Find one rep max thruster in 10 minutes

Take 50% of this weight and do:

20 Thrusters
250m Row
Rest 3 minutes
15 Thrusters
200m Row
Rest 2 min
10 Thrusters
150m Row
Rest 1 min
5 thrusters
100m Row
rest 10 minutes

x 2

Row easy 10 minutes as cool down

1 comment:

Paul Gregrow said...

One rep max in 10 mins: 225#
*failed at 230#

I used 110# for the metcon portion

Rd1: 12:01
Rd2: 12:15
* overall felt good with the load and the reps unbroken reps I accomplished. The rowing has gotten much stronger and feel pretty good during shorter intense intervals/distances