Alright, it's been a month. Hopefully you've had some good training from another source.

I'm going to be posting an 8 week cycle with weekly periodization for an intermediate athlete. It will taper at the end and culminate with a test. It would be nice to get some feedback from anyone following this cycle. Without feedback it will be hard for me to gauge the recovery requirements as I'm not following this myself.

3 on 1 off.

H = High
M = Medium
L = Low
V = Volume
I = Intensity

Approx schedule:
Week 1: HV, LI
Week 2: MV, MI
Week 3: MV, MI
Week 4: HV, HI
Week 5: LV, LI
Week 6: MV, HI
Week 7: MV, LI
Week 8: LV, HI
2 Day test.

A: Snatch or OHS: 10 sets of 3 @ 60% to 70%; 2 min active rest
B1: Ring HSPU or HSPU: 10 sets of 3; 1 min rest
B2: Weighted Pullups: 10 sets of 3; 1 min rest

Pick a weight for the pullups that allows 3 easy reps on first set. Stay at the same weight for all.


L-sit and Handstand warmup.

Rounds/reps in 3 minutes @ 75% intensity of:
21 doubleunders
15 burpees
9 thrusters @ .5x BW
3 min rest

x 4

This should be easily paced. Each 3 minute work interval should yield the same number of rounds/reps.

1 comment:

Paul Gregrow said...

Morning workout
Snatch @75%, 155# for 3 reps X10 sets, 3 min rest

Skill work
Ring HSPU for 3 reps X10 sets, 1 min rest
* did 6 sets on rings, average was 2 reps per attempt. Moved to regular HSPU. Still very tough!
Weighted pull ups for 3 reps X10 sets, 1 min rest (dead hang)
* used 50# DB, felt easy could have gone heavier.

Evening met con
* doing today after classes