A1: Powerclean 3.2.1 x 4; 15 sec rest
A2: Pullups 8.8.8 x 4; 15 sec rest (first set deadhangs, second set CTB, third set chin over bar)
A3: 15 Burpees as fast as possible x 4; 4 min rest

A 'period' designates a 10 second rest interval to reset.

B1: Handstand walk as far as possible in 1 attempt x 5; 30 seconds
B2: 20 GHD Situps x 5; 1 min

B1: If you are unable to do handstand walks, do one 40 second static hold, against a wall if necessary.

1 comment:

Paul Gregrow said...

I was pretty beat going into this. I used 10# less than the first time doing this combination. I figured that doing more pullups and burpees I would start to slow down and loose good mechanics on the clean.

RD1:@205# 3:18
RD2: 3:20
RD 3: 3:41
RD4: 3:50

* This one got hard!

* Worked on handstand walks and Freestanding HSPU