Warmup well, then:

5 minutes to build to heavy double in snatch (20 second time limit)
rest 2 minutes
Vertical Jump x 5; 20 second rests between attempts (if you don't have a vertical jump tester, just chalk your hand up and jumpt to point on wall)
rest 2 minutes
60m shuttle sprint x 4; 2 min rest
rest 2 minutes
AMRAP (-4) pullups x 2; 3 min rest (don't hit failure '-4' means 4 reps before failure.

Rest 20 minutes

Build to heavy deadlift single (NOT MAX) in 5 minutes

2 rounds of:

3 CJ @ 185/125
6 Broad Jumps (7ft/5ft)

rest 1 minute

for time:
50 lateral burpees + 180
1200m Row
200 doubleunders

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