
This is a hard day. Take the full weekend off. Stick to very easy tasks over the weekend... eat a lot of food (this should be easy on the 4th of July weekend), get a lot of sleep.

Starting monday the program will change a bit. Just keep following it as written. Those of you who understand programming will see what I'm doing. Those of you who don't understand yet don't need to worry about it.
These past 3 weeks have developed a base; progressive weights, getting a feel for the movements and where your strength levels are, and preparing your body for what's to come. We will continue to focus on strength/mass. Some recommendations as we move into a 4 week phase:

1. Eat a lot. More than usual. Get a lot of food in post workout.
2. Try to sleep as much as you can.
3. Do what's listed as RXd (unless it's out of your current capacity range).
4. Do not waiver, become obsessed with gaining strength. Set concrete goals for squats, press, bench press and powerclean. Burn those numbers into your subconscious. Let them become an obsession.


Warmup with doubleunders and hip extensions.
Hip mobility work.
15 box jumps (singles for height)

A1 Powerclean: 5-5-5-5-5-3
A2 Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5-3-8
A2 Squat: 5-5-5-5-5-3-8

On all exercises your last set of 5 should be 90% of your heaviest set of 5 from Monday. You're set of 3 should be the weight you intend on doing for 5 this upcoming monday. The sets of 8 should be with your 4th set of 5 weight.


3 rounds of:
15 Thrusters (95, 65); 10 sec
30 Doubleunders; 90 seconds


For time:
10 powerclean to overhead (155, 105)
20 box jumps (30")
20 elevated pushups (30")
20 box jumps (30")
10 squat cleans to overhead (155, 105)

Sub as necessary. But push yourself.

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