Task: alternate every 30 seconds between 1 muscleup and 2 strict nose to ground handstand pushups for 10 min.

Start the clock. At the start do 1 muscleup, rest, at the 30 second mark do 2 HSPU, rest, at the 1:00 mark do 1 muscleup and so on, for 10 minutes. Focus on movement and grace. This is skill work to keep your grooves greased.

(Sub is 2 strict pullups + 2 strict ring dips and press 3 reps @ .5 BW)

rest 5 min

3 rounds for time of:
10 pistols (5 each side)
20 kipping pullups
30 pushups

(pistols are free standing - if you need to counterbalance yourself with a weight, do it... no walls or support; pullups are COVP; pushups are chest to deck)

rest 10 minutes

3 rounds for time of:
750m Row
75 doubleunders (25 unbroken x 3)

(restart rower each round, stop at each 25 rep interval)


Unknown said...

Task: I did 1 Muscle Up and 1 HSPU (nose to ground)

3 Rounds for time:
10 Pistols (5 each leg)
20 Kipping Pull Ups (COVP)
30 Push Ups


Rest 10 min

3 Rounds for time:
750m Row
75 Double Unders (25 Unbroken x3)


Nathan H. said...

Task: RXd

WOD 1:

WOD 2:

Big L said...

task: 1 mu 2 hspu top head to floor 5 minutes. then 1 mu and 1 hspu for rest.

wod 1: 7:22. used pol for balance at bottom and free standing on way up. need to work on these

wod 2: 17:20. where to start... rope broke then rower malfunction and had to switch rowers. i did it as unbroken so if i messed up i started over. and i messed up alot.

these wods are great. I am getting back into it. keep them coming.