
A1: 250m Row x 3; 30 sec
A2: 30 seconds handstand practice x 3; 30 sec
B: Hip Mobility
C: 1 vertical jump x 5; 10 second between.

Workout (Light Day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Press 5-5-3-3-3
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

B1: AMRAP CTB Pullups.COVP.Butterfly/regular kips x 2; 90 seconds
B2: AMRAP Press.Pushpress.Pushjerk x 2 (115, 75); 90 seconds
B3: AMRAP in 60 seconds of Front Squats x 2 (Bodyweight); 90 seconds

A: Go up to 80% of your heaviest set from Monday on Power Clean and Back Squat. On the press you are building to the heaviest set of 3 you can do.
B1: Break for 10 seconds between breakdown sets ie: 20CTB (rest 10 seconds) 10 COVP (rest 10 seconds) 10 Butterfly
B2: Break for 10 seconds between breakdown sets ie: 10 Presses (rest 10 seconds) 12 pushpresses (rest 10 seconds) 15 pushjerks

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