A: snatch 10 singles building to heavy single in 20 minutes.

B1: deadlift 3-3-3-3; rest-pause; 3 min rest
B2: press 1.1.1 x 4; 3 min rest

C1: 10 burpees x 5; 20 seconds
C2: 15 ctb pullups x 5; 20 seconds
C3: 20 single arm russian kb swings (10 each side) x 5; 60 seconds

A: VISUALIZE every rep before you do it. Focus.
B: Build quickly on the deadlifts, same with the presses. Get on the clock fast. Don't fail on the reps. Stick to a weight you can do. Success feeds on itself. Push only if you feel the fire. Rep scheme on deadlifts is rest pause. That means reset on each rep. No bouncing. Press is a cluster, each period represents a 10 second pause where you re-rack the weight.

C: Maintain pace and speed. Every round should be close. Focus on recovery during transitions. Russian kb swings are to eye level.

Note loads and splits.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A:40kg, 50kg,54kg, 60kg, 64kg(missed), 64kg, 68kg, 70kg, 72kg (missed)
B1:DL 160kg, 170kg, 180kg
B2:Press 6okg, 64kg, 70kg
C1:Completed, but forgot to record my splits