
4k Steady Row:
1st 1k @ 20 strokes per minute (SPM)
2nd 1k @ 24 SPM
3rd 1k @ 28 SPM
4th 1k @ 24 SPM
Row at a pace that has you breathing hard, but not gasping. You should be able to hold a conversation. Focus on strokes

4 rounds of:
Snatch Balance 60% of max OHS x 5; 30 second rest
Triple Under x 5; 30 second rest
Pistols x 5 each side; 30 second rest
Ring Handstand x 20 seconds; 30 second rest
Ring L-sits x 15 seconds; 2 min rest

Snatch balance focus on speed and dropping yourself beneath the bar.
Triple unders are tough. You have to focus on wrist speed more than anything else. Do 25 doubleunders if you can't do triple unders.
Ring handstands are accumulated time.
Ring L-sits are accumulated time.

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