AM: 30 min recovery run
A: Snatch: 70% x 2 x 10; 1 min rests
(sub snatch balance or overhead squats if snatches are an issue. Focus on speed and grace)
B: C&J: 70% x 2 x 10; 1 min rests
(Focus on power, speed and control - get low on those jerks)
C: Free standing handstand AMSAP x 10; rest as needed
(stay still, as soon as you move your hands, rep is over. It's ok to restart on false starts ie. if you kick up and immediately fall back to your feet)
D: Max Box Jump for height.
A1: High Pull 5-5-3-3-3
A2: Press 5-5-3-3-3
A3: Front Squat 5-5-3-3-3
A bit of a change today. Highpull going 110% of mondays powercleans. Press heavier than last wednesday. Front Squat to a max for day (MFD) triple.
3 rounds:
B1: GHD Situps x 25; 1 min
B2: GHR x 10; 1 min
Rest at least 2 hours. Preferably 4+
Warmup thoroughly
5 x escalating 200m sprints; 4 min rest
first 100m building speed, second 100m @ 95%.
A1: High Pull 5-5-3-3-3
A2: Press 5-5-3-3-3
A3: Front Squat 5-5-3-3-3
A bit of a change today. Highpull going 110% of mondays powercleans. Press heavier than last wednesday. Front Squat to a max for day (MFD) triple.
3 rounds:
B1: GHD Situps x 25; 1 min
B2: GHR x 10; 1 min
Rest at least 2 hours. Preferably 4+
Warmup thoroughly
5 x escalating 200m sprints; 4 min rest
first 100m building speed, second 100m @ 95%.
Snatch: free play.. listen to your intuition, do drills, complexes, go heavy if you feel it, stay light if you don't. If your overhead squats suck, practice those. 20 minutes
Clean and Jerks: same as above. Play with split cleans, full cleans, push jerks, split jerks, squat jerks if you want. 20 minutes.
30 minutes of gymnastics practice. Roll, flip, get on the parallettes, do handstands, muscleups, L-sits, plank practice etc. Push your coordination limits.
This is a skill day, with an option to go heavier in the o-lifts. The point is to get creative and do what YOUR weaknesses are. Focus on being present... and being aware of your body.
Snatch: free play.. listen to your intuition, do drills, complexes, go heavy if you feel it, stay light if you don't. If your overhead squats suck, practice those. 20 minutes
Clean and Jerks: same as above. Play with split cleans, full cleans, push jerks, split jerks, squat jerks if you want. 20 minutes.
30 minutes of gymnastics practice. Roll, flip, get on the parallettes, do handstands, muscleups, L-sits, plank practice etc. Push your coordination limits.
This is a skill day, with an option to go heavier in the o-lifts. The point is to get creative and do what YOUR weaknesses are. Focus on being present... and being aware of your body.
062810-Week 3
5 min easy run
Hip mobility
A1: 5 sets of 10 Doubleunders for speed; 30 sec rest
A2: 5 sets of 5 clapping pushups; 30 sec rest
B: 5 sets of 1 vertical jumps
(Heavy Day)
A1: Powerclean: 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Squat: 5-5-5-5-5
Hit it hard! Beat last weeks numbers.
3 rounds:
C&J x 10 (60% of heaviest set of powerclean); 1 min
AMRAP pullups w/ 30% BW; 1 min
go unbroken on C&J, set ends when you stop ie. if you only do 7 reps unbroken, you stop. When I say 'unbroken,' I mean the bar cannot rest on the floor or shoulders. Overhead pause is fine.
20 min recovery run
5 min easy run
Hip mobility
A1: 5 sets of 10 Doubleunders for speed; 30 sec rest
A2: 5 sets of 5 clapping pushups; 30 sec rest
B: 5 sets of 1 vertical jumps
(Heavy Day)
A1: Powerclean: 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Squat: 5-5-5-5-5
Hit it hard! Beat last weeks numbers.
3 rounds:
C&J x 10 (60% of heaviest set of powerclean); 1 min
AMRAP pullups w/ 30% BW; 1 min
go unbroken on C&J, set ends when you stop ie. if you only do 7 reps unbroken, you stop. When I say 'unbroken,' I mean the bar cannot rest on the floor or shoulders. Overhead pause is fine.
20 min recovery run
A1: Powerclean: 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Squat: 5-5-5-5-5
Build to 90% of heaviest set from Monday.
20 minute rest
4 x 400s; 90 sec rest
Goal is to maintain the same pace for each round ie. 1:10, 1:09, 1:11, 1:12
PM: (Mainsite)
Five rounds for time of:
40 Double-unders
30 Box jumps, 24 inch box
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
A1: Powerclean: 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Squat: 5-5-5-5-5
Build to 90% of heaviest set from Monday.
20 minute rest
4 x 400s; 90 sec rest
Goal is to maintain the same pace for each round ie. 1:10, 1:09, 1:11, 1:12
PM: (Mainsite)
Five rounds for time of:
40 Double-unders
30 Box jumps, 24 inch box
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
A1: 250m Row x 3; 30 sec
A2: 30 seconds handstand practice x 3; 30 sec
B: Hip Mobility
C: 1 vertical jump x 5; 10 second between.
Workout (Light Day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Press 5-5-3-3-3
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B1: AMRAP CTB Pullups.COVP.Butterfly/regular kips x 2; 90 seconds
B2: AMRAP Press.Pushpress.Pushjerk x 2 (115, 75); 90 seconds
B3: AMRAP in 60 seconds of Front Squats x 2 (Bodyweight); 90 seconds
A: Go up to 80% of your heaviest set from Monday on Power Clean and Back Squat. On the press you are building to the heaviest set of 3 you can do.
B1: Break for 10 seconds between breakdown sets ie: 20CTB (rest 10 seconds) 10 COVP (rest 10 seconds) 10 Butterfly
B2: Break for 10 seconds between breakdown sets ie: 10 Presses (rest 10 seconds) 12 pushpresses (rest 10 seconds) 15 pushjerks
A1: 250m Row x 3; 30 sec
A2: 30 seconds handstand practice x 3; 30 sec
B: Hip Mobility
C: 1 vertical jump x 5; 10 second between.
Workout (Light Day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Press 5-5-3-3-3
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B1: AMRAP CTB Pullups.COVP.Butterfly/regular kips x 2; 90 seconds
B2: AMRAP Press.Pushpress.Pushjerk x 2 (115, 75); 90 seconds
B3: AMRAP in 60 seconds of Front Squats x 2 (Bodyweight); 90 seconds
A: Go up to 80% of your heaviest set from Monday on Power Clean and Back Squat. On the press you are building to the heaviest set of 3 you can do.
B1: Break for 10 seconds between breakdown sets ie: 20CTB (rest 10 seconds) 10 COVP (rest 10 seconds) 10 Butterfly
B2: Break for 10 seconds between breakdown sets ie: 10 Presses (rest 10 seconds) 12 pushpresses (rest 10 seconds) 15 pushjerks
AM: 15 minute recovery run + 15 minute walk
Snatch 60% x 1 x 10
Clean and jerk 60% x 1 x 10
AM: 15 minute recovery run + 15 minute walk
Snatch 60% x 1 x 10
Clean and jerk 60% x 1 x 10
062110-Week 2
A1: Doubleunders 5 sets of 20; 30 second rest
A2: GHD Hip Extensions 5 sets of 10; 30 second rest
B: 3 rounds of Hip Mobility drills
C: 15 explosive box jumps; go for height.
Workout (Heavy day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B1: Strict HSPU ladder 1-3
B2: Strict Pullup ladder 3-5
As many ladders in 10 minutes as possible
alternating between HSPU and pullup: 1 hspu, 3 pullups, 2 hspu, 4 pullups, 3 hspu, 5 pullup = 1 complete ladder
C: GHD Situps unbroken: 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2
rest as needed between sets to ensure they are unbroken
5 x 200m Sprints @ 90-95%; 5 min rests
A1: Doubleunders 5 sets of 20; 30 second rest
A2: GHD Hip Extensions 5 sets of 10; 30 second rest
B: 3 rounds of Hip Mobility drills
C: 15 explosive box jumps; go for height.
Workout (Heavy day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B1: Strict HSPU ladder 1-3
B2: Strict Pullup ladder 3-5
As many ladders in 10 minutes as possible
alternating between HSPU and pullup: 1 hspu, 3 pullups, 2 hspu, 4 pullups, 3 hspu, 5 pullup = 1 complete ladder
C: GHD Situps unbroken: 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2
rest as needed between sets to ensure they are unbroken
5 x 200m Sprints @ 90-95%; 5 min rests
A: Row 500m at easy pace
B: 20 slow shoulder dislocates w/ PVC pipe or band
C: On the minute mark perform 1 muscleup
On the 30 second mark perform 10 doubleunders
Do it for 10 minutes
D: Open up your hips with mobility drills
E: 3 sets of 10 box jumps to 20", rest as needed, be explosive and fast
Workout (Medium Day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Go only as heavy as your fourth set from monday.
Rest 2+ hours
15 rounds for time of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Rest 10 min
500m Row Sprint for time
A: Row 500m at easy pace
B: 20 slow shoulder dislocates w/ PVC pipe or band
C: On the minute mark perform 1 muscleup
On the 30 second mark perform 10 doubleunders
Do it for 10 minutes
D: Open up your hips with mobility drills
E: 3 sets of 10 box jumps to 20", rest as needed, be explosive and fast
Workout (Medium Day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Go only as heavy as your fourth set from monday.
Rest 2+ hours
15 rounds for time of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Rest 10 min
500m Row Sprint for time
AM: 30 min recovery run
Snatch 75% of 1RM for 5 singles; 3 min
Clean and push jerk 75% of push jerk 1RM for 5 singles; 3 min
A1: 3 sets of 5 light kb windmills each side; 60 seconds
A2: 3 sets of 10 light seated shoulder external rotations each side (elbow on knee); 60 seconds
AM: 30 min recovery run
Snatch 75% of 1RM for 5 singles; 3 min
Clean and push jerk 75% of push jerk 1RM for 5 singles; 3 min
A1: 3 sets of 5 light kb windmills each side; 60 seconds
A2: 3 sets of 10 light seated shoulder external rotations each side (elbow on knee); 60 seconds
A1: 250m Row x 3; 30 sec
A2: 30 seconds handstand practice x 3; 30 sec
B: Prep your hips here: http://journal.crossfit.com/2010/01/hip-prep.tpl
C: 1 vertical jump x 5; 10 second between.
Workout (Light Day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Press 5-5-3-3-3
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B1: AMRAP (-2) CTB Pullups x 3; 90 seconds
B2: (Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 15) x 3 ; 90 seconds
Go only as heavy as the third set from Monday on Power Clean and Back Squat. On the press you are building to the heaviest set of 3 you can do.
Cool Down:
50 kb swings
Pick a weight that is easy - if you have doubts about the weight you choose, go lighter.
A1: 250m Row x 3; 30 sec
A2: 30 seconds handstand practice x 3; 30 sec
B: Prep your hips here: http://journal.crossfit.com/2010/01/hip-prep.tpl
C: 1 vertical jump x 5; 10 second between.
Workout (Light Day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Press 5-5-3-3-3
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B1: AMRAP (-2) CTB Pullups x 3; 90 seconds
B2: (Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 15) x 3 ; 90 seconds
Go only as heavy as the third set from Monday on Power Clean and Back Squat. On the press you are building to the heaviest set of 3 you can do.
Cool Down:
50 kb swings
Pick a weight that is easy - if you have doubts about the weight you choose, go lighter.
AM: 20 min recovery run.
Should be at a pace where you can talk easily. Don't think about the distance traveled. These recovery runs are going to get longer as we progress. Expect track work occasionally too.
A:Snatch: 10 singles up 60% 1RM
B:C&J: 10 singles up to 60% 1RM
Every rep should be deliberate - as if you were in a competition.
C1: 10 clapping pushups x 3; 10 second rest
C2: 15 box jumps (24"/20") x 3; 10 second rest
C3: 250m row @ 80% x 3; 2 min rest
This is high quality speed work, except for the row which should be at a solid but sustainable pace. You should feel fully recovered in 2 min. Maintain the pace for all 3 rounds.
AM: 20 min recovery run.
Should be at a pace where you can talk easily. Don't think about the distance traveled. These recovery runs are going to get longer as we progress. Expect track work occasionally too.
A:Snatch: 10 singles up 60% 1RM
B:C&J: 10 singles up to 60% 1RM
Every rep should be deliberate - as if you were in a competition.
C1: 10 clapping pushups x 3; 10 second rest
C2: 15 box jumps (24"/20") x 3; 10 second rest
C3: 250m row @ 80% x 3; 2 min rest
This is high quality speed work, except for the row which should be at a solid but sustainable pace. You should feel fully recovered in 2 min. Maintain the pace for all 3 rounds.
061410-Week 1
Day 1-Week 1
The underlying base programming is Bill Starr's -- with my own additions thrown in as necessary to ensure full Crossfit application. This is a 3 week cycle to build basic strength familiarity and capacity.
A1: Doubleunders 5 sets of 20; 30 second rest
A2: GHD Hip Extensions 5 sets of 10; 30 second rest
B: 3 rounds of Hip Mobility drills
C: 15 explosive box jumps
Workout (Heavy day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B1: Strict chinups AMRAP (-2) x 4; 1 min
B2: 15 GHD Situps x 4; 1 min
A: Rest intervals are up to you. Guideline of 1 min for the 1st circuit, 2 min for the 2nd circuit and so on with a maximum of 4 min; so on circuit 5 you would still rest 4 min. Go progressively heavier on the 5 x 5 , last set of 5 should be hard. We're in the early stages, so it'll be a feeling out process. Example: I think I can do 315 for 5 on back squat, so my sets would look like: 135/5, 185/5, 225/5, 275/5, 315/5
15 Reverse Hypers
Easy 1000 meter row
15 Reverse Hypers
The underlying base programming is Bill Starr's -- with my own additions thrown in as necessary to ensure full Crossfit application. This is a 3 week cycle to build basic strength familiarity and capacity.
A1: Doubleunders 5 sets of 20; 30 second rest
A2: GHD Hip Extensions 5 sets of 10; 30 second rest
B: 3 rounds of Hip Mobility drills
C: 15 explosive box jumps
Workout (Heavy day):
A1: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
A2: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
A3: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B1: Strict chinups AMRAP (-2) x 4; 1 min
B2: 15 GHD Situps x 4; 1 min
A: Rest intervals are up to you. Guideline of 1 min for the 1st circuit, 2 min for the 2nd circuit and so on with a maximum of 4 min; so on circuit 5 you would still rest 4 min. Go progressively heavier on the 5 x 5 , last set of 5 should be hard. We're in the early stages, so it'll be a feeling out process. Example: I think I can do 315 for 5 on back squat, so my sets would look like: 135/5, 185/5, 225/5, 275/5, 315/5
Let me give you a full example of what to do. After the general warmup, setup a powerclean station, bench press station and back squat station. Do your first set of powercleans, rest 1 min, do your bench presses, rest 1 min, do your back squats, that concludes your first set of 5s, rest 2 min, go back to powercleans, rest 2 min, bench press, rest 2 min... and so on... until you do your last heavy set of 5s.
15 Reverse Hypers
Easy 1000 meter row
15 Reverse Hypers
061210 - 061310
Strength and power focus cycle starts Monday. This does not mean I will neglect everything else. It means that strength and power is the focus.
Strength and power focus cycle starts Monday. This does not mean I will neglect everything else. It means that strength and power is the focus.
Deadlift @ 10X1; 10 sets of 10; 60 sec
5 min rest
5 rounds of:
800m Run
10 Presses
On deadlift, pick a weight and stay with it for all sets. Goal should be bodyweight+. Keep tempo. Double overhand for as long as you can go. Once grip fails (if it does), go reverse, or hook.
Presses should be with a weight where 10 reps is fairly easy the first set.
5 min rest
5 rounds of:
800m Run
10 Presses
On deadlift, pick a weight and stay with it for all sets. Goal should be bodyweight+. Keep tempo. Double overhand for as long as you can go. Once grip fails (if it does), go reverse, or hook.
Presses should be with a weight where 10 reps is fairly easy the first set.
A1 Powerclean 1.1.1 x 4; 60 seconds
A2 Bench Press @ 50X1; 3-3-3-3; 4 minutes
B Turkish Getup for load, 2 reps each arm alternating x 5; 3 min rests
C1 L-sit AMSAP x 4; 20 seconds
C2 30 doubleunders for speed; 2 minute
Stretch and cool down with rotator cuff work and shoulder mobility.
A1: Each period (.) is a ten second rest
A2: 5 second descent, 0 second hold at the bottom, eXplode up, 1 second hold at top
B: Use KBs as heavy as you have, then transition to barbell if necessary
C1: Stay tight. Good form.
C2: No practicing doubleunders before hand, your first set should be the first time you touch your jump rope today
A2 Bench Press @ 50X1; 3-3-3-3; 4 minutes
B Turkish Getup for load, 2 reps each arm alternating x 5; 3 min rests
C1 L-sit AMSAP x 4; 20 seconds
C2 30 doubleunders for speed; 2 minute
Stretch and cool down with rotator cuff work and shoulder mobility.
A1: Each period (.) is a ten second rest
A2: 5 second descent, 0 second hold at the bottom, eXplode up, 1 second hold at top
B: Use KBs as heavy as you have, then transition to barbell if necessary
C1: Stay tight. Good form.
C2: No practicing doubleunders before hand, your first set should be the first time you touch your jump rope today
Warmup with easy run drills. Then,
800 @ slower than 3:30
Rest 3 min
400 @ slower than 1:30
Rest 3 min
800 @ faster than 3:30
Rest 3 min
400 @ faster than 1:30
Rest 3 min
Work on tempo, breathing and form. Last 400 should be tough.
Rest as needed, but must be in the same session.
Overhead squat @ bodyweight AMRAP x 3; 8 min rests
Rest 5 min
OHS @ (135, 95) AMRAP x 1(if your bodyweight is within 10% of 135, use 115)
Rest 5 min
OHS @ (95, 65) AMRAP x 1
Once the weight is up overhead, that's it. Go until you can't.
Rest 5 min
Run 400m, compare time to last 400m from earlier.
800 @ slower than 3:30
Rest 3 min
400 @ slower than 1:30
Rest 3 min
800 @ faster than 3:30
Rest 3 min
400 @ faster than 1:30
Rest 3 min
Work on tempo, breathing and form. Last 400 should be tough.
Rest as needed, but must be in the same session.
Overhead squat @ bodyweight AMRAP x 3; 8 min rests
Rest 5 min
OHS @ (135, 95) AMRAP x 1(if your bodyweight is within 10% of 135, use 115)
Rest 5 min
OHS @ (95, 65) AMRAP x 1
Once the weight is up overhead, that's it. Go until you can't.
Rest 5 min
Run 400m, compare time to last 400m from earlier.
Task: alternate every 30 seconds between 1 muscleup and 2 strict nose to ground handstand pushups for 10 min.
Start the clock. At the start do 1 muscleup, rest, at the 30 second mark do 2 HSPU, rest, at the 1:00 mark do 1 muscleup and so on, for 10 minutes. Focus on movement and grace. This is skill work to keep your grooves greased.
(Sub is 2 strict pullups + 2 strict ring dips and press 3 reps @ .5 BW)
rest 5 min
3 rounds for time of:
10 pistols (5 each side)
20 kipping pullups
30 pushups
(pistols are free standing - if you need to counterbalance yourself with a weight, do it... no walls or support; pullups are COVP; pushups are chest to deck)
rest 10 minutes
3 rounds for time of:
750m Row
75 doubleunders (25 unbroken x 3)
(restart rower each round, stop at each 25 rep interval)
Start the clock. At the start do 1 muscleup, rest, at the 30 second mark do 2 HSPU, rest, at the 1:00 mark do 1 muscleup and so on, for 10 minutes. Focus on movement and grace. This is skill work to keep your grooves greased.
(Sub is 2 strict pullups + 2 strict ring dips and press 3 reps @ .5 BW)
rest 5 min
3 rounds for time of:
10 pistols (5 each side)
20 kipping pullups
30 pushups
(pistols are free standing - if you need to counterbalance yourself with a weight, do it... no walls or support; pullups are COVP; pushups are chest to deck)
rest 10 minutes
3 rounds for time of:
750m Row
75 doubleunders (25 unbroken x 3)
(restart rower each round, stop at each 25 rep interval)
A1: 1 full clean + 3 front squats x 4; 3 min rest
A2: push press 3-3-3-3; 3 min rest
B1: 15 unbroken box jumps for height x 5; 20 sec rest
B2: 20 unbroken kettlebell snatch x 5; 3 min rest
C1: 15 GHD situps x 5; 30 sec rest
C2: 15 explosive hip extensions (on ghd) x 5; 30 sec rest
B2 is 20 total. Switch only once.
A2: push press 3-3-3-3; 3 min rest
B1: 15 unbroken box jumps for height x 5; 20 sec rest
B2: 20 unbroken kettlebell snatch x 5; 3 min rest
C1: 15 GHD situps x 5; 30 sec rest
C2: 15 explosive hip extensions (on ghd) x 5; 30 sec rest
B2 is 20 total. Switch only once.
A: Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1
B1: Bodyweight Bench Press @ 20X1 AMRAP (-1) x 4; 3 minutes
B2: Pullup with 30% of BW hung @ 20X1 AMRAP (-1) x 4; 3 minutes
Add total reps of B1. Add Total reps of B2.
3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
500m Row
50 Doubleunders
B1: Bodyweight Bench Press @ 20X1 AMRAP (-1) x 4; 3 minutes
B2: Pullup with 30% of BW hung @ 20X1 AMRAP (-1) x 4; 3 minutes
Add total reps of B1. Add Total reps of B2.
3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
500m Row
50 Doubleunders
A: Write down one strength movement that is a weakness for you (ie. strict pullups, press, squat, OHS, deadlift) or one at which you need to be better.
B: Write down 3 movements and/or skills you need to work on.
Warmup with an easy 1000m Row, or an easy 800m run. EASY! Focus on form and body awareness.
Take what you wrote for A, and do 1-3 easy reps (try 60% of 1RM) every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes. For example, an athlete can deadlift 300 for 1 rep, he will use 180 for each set. Focus on quality of movement, then speed. If the movement is a bodyweight movement like pushups, HSPUs, or pullups... pick a doable rep range. Do not fail. Stay at least 3-5 reps shy of failure. If you cannot do the movement yet, like a pullup, use bands, or do 1-3 jump negatives etc. Be creative.
Take the 3 movements you wrote down. Say they were: handstands, overhead squat and doubleunders.
Alternate between these 3 movements every 2 minutes for 30 minutes. Keep everything light and easy... focus on what your body is doing and how you feel. This is TECHNIQUE work. If you are gasping for air, you are doing it wrong.
For the first 2 minutes you would practice handstands... going between the wall and freestanding however you see fit. Maybe play with the parallettes and get a sense of how your body feels upside down.
The second 2 minutes you would grab a PVC pipe or maybe an empty barbell and practice engaging your shoulders or sitting deep in the bottom position.
The third 2 minutes you would get your jump rope and work on fast wrists and jumping straight up and down etc...
And so on until 30 minutes is complete...
If you don't know the techniques/progressions for the movements you want to learn, look online and study. Take notes and review them during your session. If you have a coach... ask questions.
Row an easy 1000m or run an easy 800m as a cooldown. EASY.
Stretch for 20 minutes.
B: Write down 3 movements and/or skills you need to work on.
Warmup with an easy 1000m Row, or an easy 800m run. EASY! Focus on form and body awareness.
Take what you wrote for A, and do 1-3 easy reps (try 60% of 1RM) every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes. For example, an athlete can deadlift 300 for 1 rep, he will use 180 for each set. Focus on quality of movement, then speed. If the movement is a bodyweight movement like pushups, HSPUs, or pullups... pick a doable rep range. Do not fail. Stay at least 3-5 reps shy of failure. If you cannot do the movement yet, like a pullup, use bands, or do 1-3 jump negatives etc. Be creative.
Take the 3 movements you wrote down. Say they were: handstands, overhead squat and doubleunders.
Alternate between these 3 movements every 2 minutes for 30 minutes. Keep everything light and easy... focus on what your body is doing and how you feel. This is TECHNIQUE work. If you are gasping for air, you are doing it wrong.
For the first 2 minutes you would practice handstands... going between the wall and freestanding however you see fit. Maybe play with the parallettes and get a sense of how your body feels upside down.
The second 2 minutes you would grab a PVC pipe or maybe an empty barbell and practice engaging your shoulders or sitting deep in the bottom position.
The third 2 minutes you would get your jump rope and work on fast wrists and jumping straight up and down etc...
And so on until 30 minutes is complete...
If you don't know the techniques/progressions for the movements you want to learn, look online and study. Take notes and review them during your session. If you have a coach... ask questions.
Row an easy 1000m or run an easy 800m as a cooldown. EASY.
Stretch for 20 minutes.
A: snatch 10 singles building to heavy single in 20 minutes.
B1: deadlift 3-3-3-3; rest-pause; 3 min rest
B2: press 1.1.1 x 4; 3 min rest
C1: 10 burpees x 5; 20 seconds
C2: 15 ctb pullups x 5; 20 seconds
C3: 20 single arm russian kb swings (10 each side) x 5; 60 seconds
A: VISUALIZE every rep before you do it. Focus.
B: Build quickly on the deadlifts, same with the presses. Get on the clock fast. Don't fail on the reps. Stick to a weight you can do. Success feeds on itself. Push only if you feel the fire. Rep scheme on deadlifts is rest pause. That means reset on each rep. No bouncing. Press is a cluster, each period represents a 10 second pause where you re-rack the weight.
C: Maintain pace and speed. Every round should be close. Focus on recovery during transitions. Russian kb swings are to eye level.
Note loads and splits.
B1: deadlift 3-3-3-3; rest-pause; 3 min rest
B2: press 1.1.1 x 4; 3 min rest
C1: 10 burpees x 5; 20 seconds
C2: 15 ctb pullups x 5; 20 seconds
C3: 20 single arm russian kb swings (10 each side) x 5; 60 seconds
A: VISUALIZE every rep before you do it. Focus.
B: Build quickly on the deadlifts, same with the presses. Get on the clock fast. Don't fail on the reps. Stick to a weight you can do. Success feeds on itself. Push only if you feel the fire. Rep scheme on deadlifts is rest pause. That means reset on each rep. No bouncing. Press is a cluster, each period represents a 10 second pause where you re-rack the weight.
C: Maintain pace and speed. Every round should be close. Focus on recovery during transitions. Russian kb swings are to eye level.
Note loads and splits.
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