Deadlift @ 10X1; 10 sets of 10; 60 sec

5 min rest

5 rounds of:
800m Run
10 Presses

On deadlift, pick a weight and stay with it for all sets. Goal should be bodyweight+. Keep tempo. Double overhand for as long as you can go. Once grip fails (if it does), go reverse, or hook.
Presses should be with a weight where 10 reps is fairly easy the first set.


AB said...

part 1
195# (3 pounds greater than my body weight)
wow what a gripper ripper!!!

part 2
26.04 @ 65# (could have gone heavier)

Unknown said...

Used 220lbs and got 10 reps every set. My splits (in seconds) were 18, 18,19, 17, 18, 18, 18,19,19, 18.

5 rounds

Presses were at 96.8 lbs. My total time was 22:33

Big L said...

225# dl all sets @ tempo

23:50 95# press. felt good on runs took too long during transition from run to press then back to run.

running is getting stronger.