A1 Powerclean 1.1.1 x 4; 60 seconds
A2 Bench Press @ 50X1; 3-3-3-3; 4 minutes
B Turkish Getup for load, 2 reps each arm alternating x 5; 3 min rests
C1 L-sit AMSAP x 4; 20 seconds
C2 30 doubleunders for speed; 2 minute
Stretch and cool down with rotator cuff work and shoulder mobility.
A1: Each period (.) is a ten second rest
A2: 5 second descent, 0 second hold at the bottom, eXplode up, 1 second hold at top
B: Use KBs as heavy as you have, then transition to barbell if necessary
C1: Stay tight. Good form.
C2: No practicing doubleunders before hand, your first set should be the first time you touch your jump rope today
A1. PC 100kg, 110kg, 114kg,114kg
A2. BP 100kg, 104kg, 106kg, 110kg
B. Turkish Getup: 35lbs, 53lbs, 53lbs, 62lbs
These were hard. I need more practice.
C1. L-Sits 10sec, 10sec, 13sec, 9sec
Every set and every second was a struggle.
C2. Completed every set but I need work on my speed
I left out my 5th set of Turkish Getups, it was with 70 lbs
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