A: Write down one strength movement that is a weakness for you (ie. strict pullups, press, squat, OHS, deadlift) or one at which you need to be better.
B: Write down 3 movements and/or skills you need to work on.
Warmup with an easy 1000m Row, or an easy 800m run. EASY! Focus on form and body awareness.
Take what you wrote for A, and do 1-3 easy reps (try 60% of 1RM) every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes. For example, an athlete can deadlift 300 for 1 rep, he will use 180 for each set. Focus on quality of movement, then speed. If the movement is a bodyweight movement like pushups, HSPUs, or pullups... pick a doable rep range. Do not fail. Stay at least 3-5 reps shy of failure. If you cannot do the movement yet, like a pullup, use bands, or do 1-3 jump negatives etc. Be creative.
Take the 3 movements you wrote down. Say they were: handstands, overhead squat and doubleunders.
Alternate between these 3 movements every 2 minutes for 30 minutes. Keep everything light and easy... focus on what your body is doing and how you feel. This is TECHNIQUE work. If you are gasping for air, you are doing it wrong.
For the first 2 minutes you would practice handstands... going between the wall and freestanding however you see fit. Maybe play with the parallettes and get a sense of how your body feels upside down.
The second 2 minutes you would grab a PVC pipe or maybe an empty barbell and practice engaging your shoulders or sitting deep in the bottom position.
The third 2 minutes you would get your jump rope and work on fast wrists and jumping straight up and down etc...
And so on until 30 minutes is complete...
If you don't know the techniques/progressions for the movements you want to learn, look online and study. Take notes and review them during your session. If you have a coach... ask questions.
Row an easy 1000m or run an easy 800m as a cooldown. EASY.
Stretch for 20 minutes.
1 comment:
A: I chose OHS (50kg) 10x3
B: I chose to work on HSPU's, OHS,and Muscle Ups
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