3 x 100m accelerating sprints; walk back as rest


2 rounds of:
3 touch and go full snatches @ 135/85
6 lateral burpee + 180 over barbell
60m shuttle sprint
3 min rest b/t sets


2 rounds of:
5 deadlifts @ 185/135
10 pullups
20 box jumps @ 20/16
3 min rest b/t sets


2 rounds of:
3 touch and go powerclean and jerk @ 155/105
25 doubleunders
3 min rest b/t sets



Paul is a leader in his field and his info is good. Although from my understanding limiting fat post workout after a heavily glycogen dependent workout is a smart way to go. Experiment.

You can figure out what approximate type you are here: http://nutritionaltyping.mercola.com/

It's free, you just need to sign up for his newletter which usually contains good info anyway. Be warned though, he likes to try to sell stuff.


Run 15 minutes:
first 5 minutes @ 75%
second 5 minutes @ 85%
third 5 minutes @ 95%

rest 5 minutes

10 sets of 20 doubleunders; rest 1 min b/t sets


15 minutes mobility (SMR) work


1 Snatch @ 80% on the minute for 10 minutes
rest 2 minutes
5 HKTE + 5 fast burpees x 8; 45 sec rest
rest 2 minutes
Depth Jumps: 20 singles, rest as needed (not fast! go for quality)
rest 2 minutes
Row: 100m Sprint, 300m Recovery x 7



Happy Thanksgiving! Eat!


Warmup with doubleunders, sets of 10 for speed.

A: Deadlift: 50% for 8 sets of 3; 1 min rest b/t sets
B: 100m Accelerating sprints x 6; walk back as rest
C: 10 pullups x 5; 1 min rest (work on rhythm and minimizing extra movement - efficiency)
D: 10 ghd situps x 5; 1 min rest



Sharpening starts tomorrow.

Just a note if you aren't going to follow this programming 100% and you're doing the NLI... make sure you're getting good sleep and not over exerting yourself over the next 10 days. Keep things short fast and intense, without extending and with plenty of rest. We'll be resting every other day to really recharge your batteries and sharpen your output.



Build to heavy Powerclean
Take 55% of weight achieved and do:

3 rounds:
10 CJ
15 CTB pullups
20 box jumps (30")
4 minute rest

Snatch work, easy. Build to no more than 70% of current PR.

A1: 250m Row x 6; 1 min rest
A2: 30 seconds AMRAP ring pushups x 6; 1:30 min rest


A: 30m 1-leg hops each side x 2
B1: 30m accelerating sprints x 4, walk back
B2: 30m backwards sprints x 4, walk back
C: 5 medball toss + explosive pushup to partner x 3

A1: Deadlift: 2, 2, 2, 1, 1; 10 seconds
A2: 15 Burpees, lateral + 180 for speed x 5; 4 min
B: Ski Erg or Row: 4 min @ NLI pace x 3; 2 min rest
C: 15 unbroken HKTE x 5; 45 second rest (work on kips)


A1: Powerclean: 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1; 10 seconds
A2: 14 Burpees x 6; 3 min rest
B: 60m Shuttle Sprint x 10; 90 second rest b/t sets

1000m Row for time
rest exactly 10 minutes
200 doubleunders for time


A: Power Snatch: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; 2 min rest
B1: Overhead Squat: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 10 seconds
B2: 15 CTB Pullups x 5; 3 minutes

rest 10 minutes

4 rounds of:
400m Run
2 min rest

Note splits



Build to heavy triple deadlift

Set up rower for 3k countdown
10 sets of:
100m sprint row
200m easy row

Focus on sprinting HARD, then rowing very easy... don't think about total time... think about output and quality per interval.



4 rounds of:
20 unbroken wallballs
20 unbroken pullups
50 unbroken doubleunders

If you break, restart the exercise at 0.


Schedule until NLI:

Wed, Nov 17: double
Thur 18: single
Fri 19: double
Sat 20: rest
Sun 21: single
Mon 22: double
Tue 23: single

Sharpening/Peaking starts:

Wed, Nov 24: rest
Thur 25: single
Fri 26: single
Sat 27: rest
Sun 28: single
Mon 29: rest
Tue 30: single
Wed, Dec 1: rest
Thur 2: single
Fri 3: rest
Sat 4: NLI


A1: Bulgarian split squat jump; 3 each side for dumbell (kb) load held in hands x 8; 10 second rest
A2: 13 unbroken pullups x 8; 2 min

rest exactly 10 minutes

3 rounds of:
4 powercleans @ 195/125
500m Row or Ski Erg
60 doubleunders

rest exactly 10 minutes

B1: 25 hip extensions x 5; 30 second rest
B2: 20 GHD Situps x 5; 30 second rest


Warmup well, then:

5 minutes to build to heavy double in snatch (20 second time limit)
rest 2 minutes
Vertical Jump x 5; 20 second rests between attempts (if you don't have a vertical jump tester, just chalk your hand up and jumpt to point on wall)
rest 2 minutes
60m shuttle sprint x 4; 2 min rest
rest 2 minutes
AMRAP (-4) pullups x 2; 3 min rest (don't hit failure '-4' means 4 reps before failure.

Rest 20 minutes

Build to heavy deadlift single (NOT MAX) in 5 minutes

2 rounds of:

3 CJ @ 185/125
6 Broad Jumps (7ft/5ft)

rest 1 minute

for time:
50 lateral burpees + 180
1200m Row
200 doubleunders


A1: Snatch Grip Deadlift: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; 10 seconds
A2: 16 Burpees for speed x 5; 3 min
B: Ski Erg or Row: 3 min @ 85% x 3; 2 min rest (focus on pacing)
C1: 14 unbroken HKTE x 5; 30 second rest (work on kips)
C2: 10 Overhead Squat x 5; 30 second rest



Snatch build to heavy single then 80% of that number x 2 for 4 sets
1 Vertical Leap x 10; 30 sec rest

A1: 5 Clean and Jerk touch and go @ 145 x 5; immediate transition
A2: 12 Box Jumps (20") x 5; 90 second rest


200m Sprint x 4; 3 min rest


Warmup well.

Then in 5 minutes quickly build to a tough single but not 1RM Deadlift.
rest 1 minute
Take 60% of above weight and do 8 sets of 3 reps with 1 minute rests; focus is explosiveness

rest as needed

5 rounds of:

20 lateral jump + 180 burpees
1 min rest
50 doubleunders
1 min rest
100m sprint + 12 HKTE
1 min rest


A1: Deadlift: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; 10 seconds
A2: 14 Burpees for speed x 5; 3 min
B: Ski Erg or Row: 2 min @ 85% x 4; 2 min rest
C: 12 unbroken HKTE x 5; 45 second rest (work on kips)



A1: 25 unbroken pullups x 4; 30 seconds
A2: 50 unbroken doubleunders x 4; 2 min rest

if you break on any set, take the rest from that point.


5 rounds of:
3 Powerclean @ 185
3 Front Squats @ 185
3 Jerks @ 185
15 Box Jumps (30")
15 CTB Pullups
4 min rest

Rest 10 min

Row 2k (pace: 2:00, 2:15)



A: Full Snatch: 2, 2, 2; 3 min
B: Snatch Balance: 1, 1, 1, 1; 3 min
C: Power Snatch + OHS: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; 3 min
D: 100m Sprint @ 90% x 5; 2 min rest


3 rounds of:
2 min Burpee for reps (lateral + 180 turn)
1 min rest
2 min Doubleunders for reps
1 min rest


4 rounds of:
6 broad jumps (7ft, 5ft)
12 Burpees (lateral + 180 degree turn)
30 unbroken doubleunders
Rest 1 min

Rest 5 minutes

3 rounds of:
12 unbroken HKTE
200m sprint
2 min rest

Rest 5 minutes

Build to heavy single in deadlift

3k Ski Erg

if you don't have a ski erg

Set up 2 bands on a high pullup bar and do ski erg motion practice for 8 minutes.



Snatch build to heavy single then 80% of that number x 2 for 3 sets
1 Vertical Leap x 10; 30 sec rest

A1: 5 Clean and Jerk touch and go @ 135 x 5; immediate transition
A2: 10 Box Jumps (20") x 5; 90 second rest


200m Sprint x 3; 3 min rest


NLI Training

Warmup for both sessions:
Snatch practice: build to 60% of 1RM and do one rep on the minute for 10 minutes

A1: Deadlift: 5, 5, 5, 5; 10 seconds
A2: 12 Burpees for speed x 4; 3 min
B: Ski Erg or Row: 2 min @ 85% x 4; 2 min rest
C: 10 unbroken HKTE x 5; 1 min rest (work on kips)

A1: 20 unbroken pullups x 4; 10 seconds
A2: 40 unbroken doubleunders x 4; 2 min rest