6 rounds of
1 powerclean (for load) + 4 burpees (speed)
rest 60 seconds

rest 5 minutes

6 rounds of:
1 powersnatch (for load) + max rower watts in 4 strokes
rest 60 seconds

rest 5 minutes

3 rounds of:
8 clapping pushups (max effort)
12 explosive box jumps (max effort)
45 second rest


A1: 9.9.9 Pullup complex x 4; 90 seconds
A2: 5.5.5 Press complex x 4; 90 seconds
B: Jumping Squats with #45 Barbell AMRAP in 1 min x 3; 2 min rest

pullup complex: deadhang, ctb, cob
press complex: press, push press, push jerk


Paul Gregrow said...

Is the idea to add weight for the complexes? Or increase for each round?

Nathan H. said...

For powercleans/powersnatch go heavy.

On the press, yes, increase it as you can. On the Pullups, for completion.

Paul Gregrow said...

1 power clean+4 burpees

1 235/12 sec.
2 240/15 sec.
3 240/12 sec.
4 240/15 sec.
5 240/12 sec.
6 240/13 sec.

1 power snatch+ max watts in 4 strokes

1 155/747
2 160/775
3 160/773
4 163/782
5 165/793
6 168/749

* My goal for the oly lift was to catch the bar as high as possible. My squat clean/snatch is heavier than my power clean. Not sure if the idea is as heavy as possible anyhow? Power or squat

Short Metcon

Rd1 27 sec.
Rd2 27 sec.
Rd3 26 sec.

* Used 30" box

A1 145x4
A2 complete

*Pull ups/press complexes unbroken except last set of last round during chin over bar pull ups. Need work on butterfly C2B pull ups